Today, Mo discusses the impact of negativity in the world and how by introducing small habits you can become happier, plus discover how to build a positive day.
Article: How to build a positive day
These simple steps will inject joy into your day from as soon as you wake up until you go to sleep.
Meet yourself first
“Instead of reaching for your phone first thing in the morning, use those moments to get to know yourself. Listen to your thoughts and concerns and give yourself a full body scan, sensing how your body physically feels and if you have any aches or pains,” advises Mo Gawdat.
“When you get out of bed spend time on stretching. This isn’t just good for your body - use this time to stretch your mind too, by reflecting on the day ahead and what you need to do.”
Mindful coffee
“Go slowly when making your morning coffee. Savour each step and enjoy the process of making it the best you can. Sip it slowly and enjoy the still and calm.”
Schedule important moments
“Before you dive in to your day, check your calendar. Make sure you have dedicated time for things that matter and make you happy at least once a week - like catching up with a friend over lunch. Put them in your calendar just like you would a work meeting. Prioritise your happiness in the same way that you prioritise productivity.”
Small moments of compassion
“Sometimes the most tiny, inconsequential moments are the things that can bring joy to other people. Hold the door open for someone, smile at someone in the supermarket, when you pay your positivity forward the world becomes a better place.”
Do things in a happy way
“There is a formal way of doing things and there is a happy way. So do as much as you can in a way that makes you happy. Have your meeting outside walking in the sunshine, take a proper lunch break away from your desk, or speak and connect with the barista making your coffee rather than just placing your order.”
Avoid bad news
“To end my day feeling happy, I choose to engage with something that makes me feel positive. For me, that’s watching my favourite comedian, Michael McIntyre. But it could be spending time with your partner, your children, your pets - end the day however makes you feel joyful.”
Practice gratitude
“Before going to bed is a great time to reflect on the day you’ve had and list the nicest moments in a gratitude journal. Even small things can have a large impact on how we feel. It’s also a useful tool to use on days when you’re not feeling great. Flick back through it and remind yourself of things that have brought you joy in the past.”

Task: Start a silver lining list
You’ve been keeping your gratitude journal for a few days now. It’s time to add a new element: a silver lining list. At the end of each day, write down something negative that happened or has been bothering you. After sitting with the feeling for a moment or two, challenge yourself to find a positive that’s related to it. “We like Chinese food because it combines the sweet and the sour. Life is the same - we need to be able to find gratitude in the negatives to experience the positives,” explains Rituals’ ambassador, Mo Gawdat. For example, if your train was delayed yet again, search for the benefits from your commute. Perhaps that’s not having to walk to work in the rain, being able to discover new podcasts or having time to read your book.
Click here for day four as Mo reveals the technology pitfalls to avoid, as well as the tech switch-ups you can make for ultimate positivity.