Do you know who you are? Are you living a life you truly love? Our masterclass with the bestselling author and psychologist Kelly Weekers will help you tap into your true self and uncover your authenticity in an accessible and potentially life-changing way.
Here at Rituals, we believe authenticity is at the heart of everything. It is essential for living a truly meaningful life, otherwise, how can you express and live real emotions, beliefs and viewpoints? And if you don’t know yourself, how can others connect with you authentically? That’s why we’re on a mission with psychologist Kelly Weekers to arm you with the tools you need to live authentically. Our masterclass will not only help you find your true inner being but the knowledge to be able to carry on living an authentic life and be true to yourself, even in the hardest of times. Becoming authentic is a big journey, but it’s an essential one to take if you want to make the most of your life, be fulfilled and truly joyful.

What’s involved? Our Authenticity Masterclass explained
Before we can even start to explore advice and tips on how to be your most authentic self, knowing what authenticity is, looks like and feels like is important. So, that is where our masterclass will begin. Knowing yourself will help you recognise those moments in your life when you’re not aligned to your true feelings and desires, because that will cause you to not feel unfulfilled. This masterclass involves asking yourself some big questions about how you behave, think and feel.
Along the way you will get in-depth reads on every aspect of authenticity, Kelly’s expert advice and practical authenticity exercises will help you answer and tackle these big thoughts and concepts.
There is also a guided meditation and immersive soundscape to help keep you focused on everything needed to stay true to yourself.
You can access all our exclusive content via our app as well as by clicking through the full program here. It’s time to take the first step on your authenticity journey. So, let’s get started.
Meet our authenticity expert Kelly Weekers
Kelly has a master’s degree in Clinical and Health Psychology and is an expert in her field helping people with burnout, anxiety and depression. Her approach is about taking small steps every day that in the long-term make the biggest difference and imbue genuine change. And for that, she believes in the power of making choices.
“Getting to know yourself and making more choices with your own happiness in mind is a journey everyone has to make in life. What do you really want from life? How do you want to live your life? At every juncture of life, you are ultimately faced with a choice that takes you toward your authentic self and another that takes you away from it. My mission is to empower others to recognise the choices in front of them and how to have the courage to choose the one that’s right for them.”
And that is why we’re thrilled to have Kelly on board to help guide you through this enlightening masterclass.
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The Authenticity Masterclass includes:
Articles x 4
Quiz & Task x 1
Videos x 5
Soundscape x 1
Guided meditation x 1
Let’s get started!
This article is part of our authenticity masterclass to help you discover who you truly are and to empower you to lead and live a more authentic life. By allowing yourself to tap into your true essence you will be able to connect with the world around you in a new and positive way.
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