Attention all (aspiring) yogis, today is World Yoga Day. Every year, on June 21st we celebrate the spiritual mindset and mind-body practice that we love most: yoga. This year, we are highlighting our three most popular yoga videos for you to try.
Yoga comes in many forms. There is (amongst others) the thrilling and energising Ashtanga Yoga, restorative Yin Yoga, dynamic Vinyasa Yoga, the ‘sleep yoga’ Yoga Nidra and the very challenging Bikram Yoga, which is a sequence of 26 poses executed in a hot sauna-like room. Because of its diversity, yoga truly is for everyone, no matter your level, experience, perseverance or goals. Or as Bikram Choudhury, the founder of Bikram Yoga, once said: “You’re never too old, never too bad, never too sick to start from scratch once again”.
Those who practice yoga on a regular basis, know that yoga has the power to change your life, your world view and your mental and physical health. It’s known to increase flexibility and muscle tone, improve energy, vitality and balance, and reduce stress and anxiety. To those who are curious or who have been wanting to try yoga for a while, we say: if it’s good enough for Sting, Jennifer Aniston, Meghan Markle and Russell Brand, it’s good enough for us. Right? There’s no time like today, so let’s get started with these three most-watched, relaxing and accessible yoga sequences, especially created by Rituals.
1. Slow evening yoga routine
We all know that it’s important to take some time to chill out before we call it a day. But scrolling through social media or binging Netflix on your laptop before bed, only seems to sabotage your sense of inner peace and your chances of easily drifting off. So why not swap your evening screen time for a slow, gentle yoga routine? Working out shortly before going to bed is usually discouraged, since it can jeopardise your rest but his relaxing nighttime yoga sequence is especially designed to improve your sleep, protect you against stress and relieve tension in your body. Let our expert Deborah Quibell guide you through a sequence of close-to-the-ground poses that will help you unwind and create space in your body and mind – even after the most hectic of days.
2. Relaxing Yin Yoga sequence
During our full and hectic days, we have a tendency to focus mainly on our to-do lists and schedules. Yin Yoga will get your body and mind in a state of deep relaxation. Feel the stress of the day slowly fading away, as you join our yoga expert Laura van Ree in holding one long pose after another. This meditative approach to yoga relaxes and calms you, and puts you in touch with your body and inner self, for a sense of calm and peace. In less than 30 minutes you will feel calm, centered and relaxed.
3. Stretch & release tension
Without knowing it, we build up a lot of tension in our body during the day. No wonder, since many of us spend much of our time hunched over our laptops or smartphones. It’s important to be aware of this tension and to actively release it at the end of the day. How? Rituals has you covered. With its deeply restorative postures, this routine is the perfect full body stretch to end a stressful day or intense workout. Our yoga expert Laura van Ree will help you stretch the tension out of your muscles and your mind. The long-held poses in this sequence are all done lying or sitting on the ground. As you flow smoothly from one pose to the next, the deep stretches and long holds invite you to slowly move deeper into your relaxation.
Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned yogi, please join us online and enjoy the benefits of relaxed muscles, a calm mind, toned physique and deep sleep. Namasté.
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