Sometimes life, with all its challenges, can feel overwhelming. In moments of trouble we all need a moment to refocus our energy and bring a calmness to our minds. That’s where Viloma breathing comes in. Vi means ‘against’ and loma means ‘hair’: going against the natural flow. And that’s exactly what Viloma breathing requires of you. It’s an interrupted breathing technique where you pause briefly during the in and exhale. Pausing on the inhale generates energy in your body. Pausing on the exhale causes relaxation. Viloma pranayama can be practiced sitting or lying down and is a great technique for those new to yoga and breathing exercises, which is why we’ve put together this supportive, guided Viloma breathing meditation. Whether you’re discovering Viloma for the first time or you want to advance your practice, this breathing meditation includes everything you need to know about this amazing technique.
32,95 € 65,90 €