Hét bolygóbarát hobbi, ami neked és a környezetnek is használ
Minden, amit a bolygó megóvása érdekében teszel, nyerő ötlet, ezek a hobbik pedig remek kiindulópontot jelenthetnek hozzájuk.
Minden, amit a bolygó megóvása érdekében teszel, nyerő ötlet, ezek a hobbik pedig remek kiindulópontot jelenthetnek hozzájuk.
Ha otthonod különböző részein egyedi illatokat használsz, különböző érzelmeket idézhetsz elő. Kövesd szakértőnk tippjeit azzal kapcsolatban, hogy miként használhatod a lakásillatosítókat az érzelmeid előcsalogatásához.
Szeretsz vendégeket fogadni, és szeretnéd feldobni az étkezőasztalt? Szokatlan és lenyűgöző ötleteinkkel segítünk, hogy el tudd kapni a fonalat.
Itt találsz minden olyan, az ünnepi kampányunk és a Hotel Rituals környezete által ihletett inspirációt ahhoz, hogy a luxus életstílust a saját életteredben is meg tudd valósítani.
Tudod-e, hogy melyik színtől ragyogsz a legjobban? Eláruljuk neked az évszak- és színtípusok titkát, így megtanulhatod, hogyan válaszd ki azokat az árnyalatokat, amelyek tökéletesen kiegészítik természetes szépségedet.
Elepedsz a nyár érintéséért? Ha kipróbálod ezeket a szuper beltéri dekorötleteket, otthonodba beköltözik a nyár, és vele együtt egy megnyugtató, hangulatjavító légkör.
Refilled your favourite products and still have empties to spare? It’s time to get creative! Here are nine clever ways to re-purpose your pre-loved Rituals items
From sowing and mowing to planting and pruning, gardening offers a direct connection to nature and mindfulness. Here’s how to get started, even if you don’t have a garden.
Öleld magadhoz az éjjelt: ismerd meg a jozakura szépséges hagyományát és az általa ihletett termékeket.
The Ritual of Sakura is our bestselling collection but do you know the beautiful Japanese custom that is its inspiration? Discover the story of hanami here.
Ready for 2024 to be the year you make smart, sustainable decisions? Here’s our tips on how to do just that.
Clever lighting tweaks will instantly create the cosiness we all crave in our homes. And it’s super easy to do. We asked the experts how to get it just right.
There is something quite calming about being surrounded by nature. With these clever touches, you can bring the natural world into your home so you can be near it every day
Making sure your rooms are as environmentally friendly as possible doesn’t have to involve huge change. In fact, smaller, more cost-effective tweaks can have a big impact.
From surrounding yourself with objects that spark joy to clever ways to bring a sense of peace, these tips will ensure your living room feels like home.
Joining Rituals can set you on a path to career fulfilment beyond what you can imagine. Intrigued? Our team reveals all.
This World Mental Health Day, we talked to a psychologist from OpenUp about how to balance work and life.
With 100 days until Christmas, here’s our plan for a stress-free festive countdown with practical tips on how best to prepare and manage your time.
Create an interior design that is warming for your soul and good for the planet with our top tips for slow decorating this winter
If we all had zero waste homes, the world would be a much cleaner, greener place. We look into whether it’s really achievable and how we can cut down.
From saving money to calming anxiety – this is why you need to create and cultivate your own herb garden.
Want to reuse your candle jar? Here’s four ways you can remove all the wax remnants so you can give that pot a new lease of life.
You asked, and we answered. Here are our most frequently asked sustainability questions, and all the answers you need to know.
Do you ever feel like a slave to your smartphone? If you’re like the average person, you check it 200 times each day. Chances are you’re in need of a digital detox.
Always filling your time? Try “niksen”, the Dutch art of doing nothing. It could open your mind and boost your happiness.
Discover our expert guide for combining and layering the perfect combination of interior fragrances to create the perfect cosy ambiance.
Have you ever looked around your house and felt overwhelmed at the sheer volume of the stuff you own? If so, we’ve assembled a few of de-clutter guru Marie Kondo’s most important tips here.
From getting the most from your candle and the best spots to put your reed diffuser, to advice about how to scent your room to create an ambiance, you’ll want to read this handy guide.
There’s no place like home to put you at ease and make you feel good. Here are some practical ways to turn your living space into a living well space.
Whether you have recently moved in or your house just doesn’t feel like home, try cleansing and rejuvenating the energy. Giselle La Pompe-Moore, spiritual guide, meditation teacher and founder of Project Ajna, shows you how.
Descending from the Buddhist ritual of flower offerings, forget ready-made bouquets this year and embrace Ikebana
Want to create a private meditation retreat in your own house? These tips will help you turn any space into the perfect at-home meditation space.
Better concentration, a good night’s sleep, less stress and beautiful dreams: discover how scents can positively influence body and soul.
In today’s sustainably-conscious world, we share 8 ways to reconcile a love of hoarding books with a more mindful approach to collecting.
You want your home to be both comforting and inviting. You can do this by making your interior pleasing to the eye, but what about to the nose? Fragrance has a tremendous impact on how you feel, and you want your house to feel like home. Read on to learn how home scents can positively affect your mood.
Want to revel in the warm, slow days of summer without feeling sluggish? These tips for finding your summer balance will both relax & recharge you.
Discover why your house is a reflection of yourself and how you can improve your life by making small changes to your living space. Familiarize yourself with feng shui.
Author Julie Pointer Adams tells us about the perfectly imperfect appeal of decorating with wabi-sabi – and how to bring it into your own home.
Wondering how to make your home a stress-free haven where you can truly relax? These six easy decluttering tips will bring calm to your house and your mind.
You spent at least a third of your day at the office – how’s it impacting your health? Wellness at work is holistic – starting from your posture and going all the way to light, air quality and other concerns also factor in. Keep reading to get the lowdown.
Thanks to the colder weather, your comfy couch is looking more and more tempting. Cuddle up (guilt-free!) with one of these books and you’re sure to get through the fall.
Want to make your house feel homely? We called on 4 inspiring women with incredible homes to share their tips for organising and styling yours.
Transform your outdoor space into a soulful haven where you can retreat and relax. To help you create your own garden oasis, here are 9 essential tips.
By incorporating ancient traditions into their work, Aoi Yamaguchi and Peter Bellerby create unique and stunningly beautiful artworks.
Looking for the perfect book to bring to the beach? Check out our summer reading list, filled with inspiration on slowing down and making the most of the season of sun.
The longer and warmer summer days always make us want to be outside. It’s the ideal time to start practicing some new habits in your daily life. We’ve put some ideas together to inspire you to stay active this summer.
Wabi-sabi is the 2018 decor trend everyone needs to know about. This ancient Japanese art focuses on the beauty of imperfection. At home, that means the use of organic materials, pieces with imperfections and embracing authenticity. Find the beauty in the not-so-perfect!
Everyone should consider incorporating the principles of ‘slow living’ into their lives. A concept that involves living a more mindful and meaningful life while staying truly connected to yourself. We’ve selected the best books to help you incorporate slow living in your life.
Chances are you’re already struggling with the resolutions you set for the New Year. Instead, why not create a new routine to carry you through 2018? Introduce yourself to the concept of soulful living and you’ll find everything falling into place—here’s how.
The holidays are about a lot of things: delicious food, exchanging gifts and festive parties, just to name a few. And what do all of these things have in common? We share them with friends and family. Commemorating special occasions with loved ones is a ritual dating back to ancient times—this is why.