Introducing The Art of Soulful Living
For over 20 years, Rituals has been helping you find happiness in the smallest of things. And today we’re taking your journey to personal wellbeing a step further, by introducing The Art of Soulful Living.
For over 20 years, Rituals has been helping you find happiness in the smallest of things. And today we’re taking your journey to personal wellbeing a step further, by introducing The Art of Soulful Living.
This month and next we’re exploring awareness. Here we reveal the benefits of bringing more awareness into your everyday, plus how to make it happen...
Having friends over? This quick and easy dish is everything you need to feed and delight your guests.
Minden, amit a bolygó megóvása érdekében teszel, nyerő ötlet, ezek a hobbik pedig remek kiindulópontot jelenthetnek hozzájuk.
Ha otthonod különböző részein egyedi illatokat használsz, különböző érzelmeket idézhetsz elő. Kövesd szakértőnk tippjeit azzal kapcsolatban, hogy miként használhatod a lakásillatosítókat az érzelmeid előcsalogatásához.
Te is tudod, hogy mennyire szeretjük a legillatosabb, legfrissebb alapanyagokat használni a termékeinkben – nem meglepő tehát, hogy ezek finom italokhoz is remek ihletet adnak.
Mert a káosz közepette is van lehetőség arra, hogy lelassítsunk, számot vessünk és jelen legyünk
Eláruljuk, mit tegyél, hogy ez tényleg az év legcsodálatosabb időszaka legyen.
Köztudott, hogy a fák jót tesznek a levegőnek és a körülöttük élő állatoknak, ám a termőföld számára is létfontosságúak – a talaj pedig az a veszélyeztetett erőforrás, amely a jógiként, misztikusként és látnokként ismert Sadhguru (Szadaguru) szerint létfontosságú az élet szempontjából.
Felejtsd el a füstölt lazacos bagelt: megérkezett az új karácsonyi villásreggeli; az áfonyás és rozmaringos majonéz feltét pedig epikus ízvilágot eredményez.
Szeretsz vendégeket fogadni, és szeretnéd feldobni az étkezőasztalt? Szokatlan és lenyűgöző ötleteinkkel segítünk, hogy el tudd kapni a fonalat.
Az arhuacók ősidők óta óvják a termőföldjüket. Mi ezt tanultuk ettől az inspiráló közösségtől.
Egy édes finomság, amelyet jó elkészíteni – és megosztani – a családtagokkal és a barátokkal.
Our philosophy, The Art of Soulful Living is brought to life through our compass, that acts as a guide to personal wellbeing. This month, we are focusing on Gratitude, one of the points on our compass. For we see gratitude as something you can learn and that can bring more joy into your life.
Itt találsz minden olyan, az ünnepi kampányunk és a Hotel Rituals környezete által ihletett inspirációt ahhoz, hogy a luxus életstílust a saját életteredben is meg tudd valósítani.
Nunchi, which can be described as the subtle art of gauging others’ emotions and responding appropriately, is more than just a social skill; it's a pathway to deeper connection and understanding.
Packed with flavour and spice, this Vietnamese inspired chicken soup is the ultimate winter warmer.
Egy egészséges és lélekmelengető étel – az ájurvédikus kitchari, ami gyógyító tulajdonságai miatt egy alapvető fogás.
Próbáld ki ezt a gin sour mocktailt, amelyet a Rouhi étterem bárszemélyzete készített az amszterdami House of Rituals üzletünkben.
Embrace true awareness and elevate yourself to the next level and uncover your higher purpose.
Elmeséljük új, limitált kiadású termékcsaládunk, a The Alchemy Collection izgalmas háttértörténetét.
Tudod-e, hogy melyik színtől ragyogsz a legjobban? Eláruljuk neked az évszak- és színtípusok titkát, így megtanulhatod, hogyan válaszd ki azokat az árnyalatokat, amelyek tökéletesen kiegészítik természetes szépségedet.
Rituals is the founder and exclusive sponsor of the Super Chill Foundation; here’s how it’s helping to build a future generation of mentally resilient children.
Jelentenek-e bármit is az álmok? Az álmok értelmezése megmutatja-e tudatalatti vágyainkat és kívánságainkat? Most kiderül.
Two experts share their advice for navigating your emotions and keeping your head up during traumatic times.
Swerve the stress of what to have for lunch with this healthy salad recipe you can prep for the whole week.
Have you unlocked the power of active listening? Improve your relationships and build deeper connections with these expert tips to become a better listener today.
Ősidők óta ez az őslakos közösség egyensúlyban élt a Föld egyik legszebb helyével. Mára viszont szent erdeik veszélybe kerültek – ezért segítünk megvédeni őket.
Elepedsz a nyár érintéséért? Ha kipróbálod ezeket a szuper beltéri dekorötleteket, otthonodba beköltözik a nyár, és vele együtt egy megnyugtató, hangulatjavító légkör.
A mai naptól kezdve garantáljuk, hogy a Rituals éves nettó nyereségének 10%-át* jótékony célokra, vagyis olyan ügyek támogatására fordítjuk, amelyek a bolygónk hasznára válnak, és elősegítik az emberek jóllétét. El is mondjuk, miért és hogyan.
Az áhítat érzése több vizsgálat szerint is hozzájárulhat a stressz-szint csökkenéséhez. Eláruljuk, miért, valamint mutatunk néhány inspiráló áhítatélmény-lehetőséget is, amelyeket akár már ma kipróbálhatsz.
Unod már az üres fecsegést? Kezdeményezz tartalmas beszélgetéseket és alakíts ki mélyebb kapcsolatokat a következő szakértői tippek és kérdések segítségével.
Ez a nyári desszert hihetetlenül finom, ráadásul mintha igazi fagyi lenne, és a túlérett banánt is jól hasznosítja.
Laurien Meuter, a Tiny Miracles alapítója tudja, miért van itt a Földön, de ez nem volt mindig így. Az egykor nagymenő vállalati bankárként dolgozó nő egy életre szóló pillanat hatására otthagyta a munkáját, és létrehozott egy alapítványt, amely segít a mumbai közösségeknek abban, hogy kitörjenek a szegénység ördögi köréből. Ez az ő története.
Ernst már fiatal korától kezdve tudta, hogy mit szeretne kezdeni az életével: változást hozni a gyerekek életébe. Ez itt a jelenleg a War Child nevű, elképesztő civil szervezet igazgatójaként tevékenykedő Ernst története.
Raymond Cloostermannak, vállalatunk vezérigazgatójának megvan a maga definíciója az életcélról: ez az, ami reggelente felébreszti, és innen származik a lendülete.
Ebben és a következő hónapban a célunk áll a középpontban, azok a dolgok, amelyek életre keltenek, és amit szeretünk csinálni.
Go for the art – stay for the pintxos. You can combine culture and cuisine in this buzzy Basque metropolis.
Kortyolj bele a bőr üdeségét fokozó, zamatos, csupa vitamin smoothie-ba.
Enjoy a little of la vie en rose in one of Europe’s most magical cities.
Want a city break that combines culture, food and wellbeing? Then Gothenburg should be high on your list – here’s why.
Good times and fresh air are guaranteed in coastal Dublin, where the craic is legendary.
Just like most things in life, packing for your holiday should be about the things that are most essential. These guidelines will help you pack mindfully.
Experience a world where East meets West with this refreshing twist on a Spanish classic.
Ditch the high seasonal expectations and start savouring the small things.
Kötelezettséget vállaltunk arra, hogy 2050-re elérjük a nettó zéró kibocsátást, és a következő tíz év ebben döntő fontosságú lesz. Íme, miért és hogyan tervezzük elérni a célunkat.
Feeling relaxed and refreshed isn’t just the remit of far-flung vacations. Here’s how to slow down and make the most of a joyful break spent at home.
Packed with radiance-boosting ingredients, this leafy orzo salad is quick and easy to make.
Give the dad in your life a luxury treat this Father’s Day with our hand-picked presents to suit all budgets.
From celebrating your success to music proven to leave you feeling happy, put a spring in your step with these easy-to-do joy-boosting tips.
Bursting with vibrant flavours, this dish promises a symphony for your taste buds and it’s quick to make!
Az olasz konyhai tradíciók és a japán frissesség tökéletes elegye ez a különleges és páratlanul finom japáncitromos panna cotta.
Refilled your favourite products and still have empties to spare? It’s time to get creative! Here are nine clever ways to re-purpose your pre-loved Rituals items
What if the blocker stopping you from leading a joyful life wasn’t your bank balance or career frustrations, but just you? Sarah-Jane Corfield-Smith explores how, with a few simple but significant switches, you can truly change the course of your life by creating a more joyful mindset.
Easy, sustainable and full of flavour. This black rice bowl is a must on your weekly menu.
From sowing and mowing to planting and pruning, gardening offers a direct connection to nature and mindfulness. Here’s how to get started, even if you don’t have a garden.
Minden eladott utántöltőért cserébe ültetünk, megvédünk vagy pótolunk egy fát. Most eláruljuk a kulisszatitkokat.
Melegítő hatású reggeli rizspuding, és hozzá finom cseresznye: az emésztést és a napot is beindítja.
A boltban vásárolt kimchi nem olcsó. Nem gondoltál rá, hogy magad készítsd el? Egyszerű, jól eláll a hűtőben, és javítja a közérzetedet.
Inspired by the Japanese practice of shinrin yoku, listen this forest bathing meditation that you can do anywhere.
Made by the best perfumers in the world, our Iconic Collection of 10 luxury perfumes are refillable, reusable and recyclable. Here’s how.
A mostani és a következő hónapunk az örömről szól majd. Arról az érzésről, amikor úgy érezzük, felragyogott a szerencsecsillagunk, és az élet szép, bármit is hoz magával.
Sound therapy is one of the hottest wellbeing trends right now, credited with countless benefits from reducing anxiety to improving sleep. Here’s why you should tune in.
Öleld magadhoz az éjjelt: ismerd meg a jozakura szépséges hagyományát és az általa ihletett termékeket.
The Ritual of Sakura is our bestselling collection but do you know the beautiful Japanese custom that is its inspiration? Discover the story of hanami here.
Being authentic is always the best option, even at work. Here’s how to be your true self and why it’s important.
Arcbőrt tápláló tápanyagaival ez a gyors saláta ideális egészséges ebédnek vagy ízletes köretnek.
Akár romantikus csemegeként eszed, akár csak a brunchot szeretnéd feldobni vele, a trendi felhőpalacsinta lenyűgöző étel.
Ready for 2024 to be the year you make smart, sustainable decisions? Here’s our tips on how to do just that.
Welcome to our monthly series, “My Soulful Life”. Through 13 life-affirming questions – inspired by the points on The Art of Soulful Living compass - we ask one luminary we admire to reflect on and reveal their true self.
Start the day right thanks to these sweet yet fresh overnight oats with a delicious pistachio crunch.
Mivel csupa olyan vitamint tartalmaz, amelyek segítenek megőrizni a bőr egészségét, ezzel a smoothie-val tökéletesen indíthatod a napot.
Oprah filmszerepet, Bernardine Evaristo pedig Booker-díjat kapott általa: a sikeres emberek esküsznek a manifesztálás módszerére. Az írónő, Hattie Crisell most utánajár annak, hogy csakugyan olyan jó-e, mint amilyennek hangzik.
Ever searched for ‘the red Rituals’? Or perhaps you’re looking for ‘the yellow one’? Well look no further, here’s your complete guide to our Classic Collections.
We are celebrating our two-year B Corp™ anniversary. Here’s the lowdown on what that means and how we got there.
This month we’re exploring another compass point: Authenticity. Here we reveal the benefits of bringing more awareness into your life, plus how to make it happen...
Növényi alapú és csupa-csupa íz – ha kell egy kis inspiráció a mai vacsorához, mutatunk öt hús- és laktózmentes fogást, amit érdemes kipróbálnod.
Struggling to pack protein into your diet? Here’s a vegetarian breakfast, snack and shake you can fit into any day, that are all high in protein.
We strive to support wellbeing, not just for our customers - but communities all over the world. Here’s a few ways we’ve tried to do that this year.
Nyűgözd le a vendégeidet ezzel a három, éttermi minőségű falattal.
Ever wondered why time flies during vacations but crawls on mundane days? Learn from experts how to slow down time, savour every moment and live life more fully.
With the festive season in full swing, try these easy gratitude practices to help you reflect on the things you’re most thankful for. They might reduce your stress levels too…
Ezzel a menüvel, amelyet Renaud Goigoux, a Rouhi étterem vezető séfje állított össze, igazi ínyenc fogást tehetsz le az ünnepi asztalra.
Clever lighting tweaks will instantly create the cosiness we all crave in our homes. And it’s super easy to do. We asked the experts how to get it just right.
Szereted a Private Collection illatait? 4 kedvenc illatodat használtuk inspirációként ezekhez az elegáns mocktailekhez.
Making your bathroom tranquil and spa-like will not only make it look great but will leave you feeling renewed. Here’s how to recreate those soothing surroundings at home
A legjobb karácsonyi ajándékot keresed 2023-ban? Akkor ne keresgélj tovább: átfogó ajándék-útmutatónkban jó ötleteket találsz majd mind a családtagjaid, mind a barátaid számára
There is something quite calming about being surrounded by nature. With these clever touches, you can bring the natural world into your home so you can be near it every day
As sustainability has become more and more attractive to consumers, it’s no surprise some brands are claiming to be 100% sustainable, but are they 100% honest?
It’s easy to feel as though your daily gestures don’t make a difference, but here’s a glance at how your actions feed into the bigger picture.
Making sure your rooms are as environmentally friendly as possible doesn’t have to involve huge change. In fact, smaller, more cost-effective tweaks can have a big impact.
From better sleep to reduced stress and stronger relationships, gratitude can reap many benefits. Try these expert tips to help you get the most of your gratitude journal
From surrounding yourself with objects that spark joy to clever ways to bring a sense of peace, these tips will ensure your living room feels like home.
Ha olyan megfizethető ajándékot keresel, amely biztosan örömet okoz majd, ne is menj tovább – következzen a tíz legjobb karácsonyi ajándékot tartalmazó ünnepi válogatásunk
This month, wellbeing expert Deborah Quibell guides you through a series of yoga flows and mindful moments to help feel awake & refreshed
Want an attitude of gratitude but don’t have the time to journal? Here are 5 scientifically proven ways to activate it in your daily life.
Joining Rituals can set you on a path to career fulfilment beyond what you can imagine. Intrigued? Our team reveals all.
A magabiztosság erőssé tesz. Segíthet kiaknázni lehetőségeinket, valamint fokozhatja általános közérzetünket és jólétünket. De hogyan sajátíthatjuk el? Próbáld ki szakértői tippjeinket.
A moreish must-try: Cong you bing scallion pancakes
This World Mental Health Day, we talked to a psychologist from OpenUp about how to balance work and life.
When the worst happens, it can be hard to have hope. Writer Poorna Bell shares how cultivating gratitude helped her eventually find peace after her husband passed away.
A limitált téli kiadású kollekció ihlető forrásai az ősi Kína császári sárkányokról szóló meséi voltak – itt megismerheted a szimbolikájukat és a jelentésüket.
Cultivating an attitude of gratitude can help to boost your wellbeing and ignite moments of joy in the everyday. Try these eight easy ways to start practising it now.
With 100 days until Christmas, here’s our plan for a stress-free festive countdown with practical tips on how best to prepare and manage your time.
From improving relationships to boosting your health, counting your blessings has plenty of benefits, but how does it work? Here’s the science behind it.
Create an interior design that is warming for your soul and good for the planet with our top tips for slow decorating this winter
If we all had zero waste homes, the world would be a much cleaner, greener place. We look into whether it’s really achievable and how we can cut down.
A megerősítések remek lehetőséget kínálnak arra, hogy egy boldogabb, pozitívabb szemléletet alakítsunk ki. Tervezd meg, mit szeretnél elérni a szakértői útmutató és a 11 megerősítés segítségével, amelyet még ma kipróbálhatsz.
Az állatoknak nem kell szenvedniük azért, hogy mi jól érezzük magunkat – íme az összes ok, amiért ellenezzük az állatkísérleteket.
From mental and emotional wellbeing, to looking after your body and promoting wellness at work, we’ve tapped experts for the ultimate guide to 360 wellbeing.
Some things are just better made at home. With only four ingredients you can whip up these delicious vegan ice lollies with fruity fresh pomegranate.
Our new series is designed to optimise your life. This month, meditation expert Deborah Quibell guides you through a collection of meditations to help you get more done.
A Rituals öt alkalmazottja egy héten át betartott öt szabályt. Lássuk, vajon hozott-e tartósan pozitív változást az életükben?
What is happiness? And importantly, how can we capture those warm feelings of contentment to feel happier every day? A new wave of happiness experts may have the answers.
Our innovative Mind Oasis is a place to recharge your mind and meditate away your stress. We put it to the test.
This zesty, citrus, salad is a treat for your tastebuds, enhancing your energy levels and giving you a burst of Vitamin C. Incorporating Yuzu juice, Japanese basil and the acidic grapefruit, this salad is full of refreshing flavours to cleanse your body and feed your soul.
From energising smoothie bowls to easy overnight oats and low-calorie vegan French toast, try these delicious healthy breakfast ideas to start your day right
We put 13 life-affirming questions to the Tiny Miracles founder
Deliciously satisfying and ready when you need it – try these easy healthy dinner ideas that are perfect for any night of the week. Who said healthy food wasn’t tasty?
Regular, constructive, two-way feedback fuels a successful working environment and positive connections with colleagues, but could this 360 approach work for your out of office relationships? Rituals investigates.
Tisha Pardeshi Mumbaiban egy kunyhón osztozott a nagycsaládjával, a Tiny Miracles segítségével azonban elkezdhetett egy saját házra spórolni, és így ki tudott törni a szegénységből.
Refreshing, cooling and thirst-quenching, iced tea is the perfect summer drink. Here are three simple recipes to keep you happy and hydrated all summer long.
A pozitív pillanatok megteremtése kulcsfontosságú a jóllétünk szempontjából. Összegyűjtöttünk hát egy sor apró, a pozitív gondolkodást elősegítő tippet, amelyeket bárhol és bármikor kipróbálhatsz
Known as toxic positivity, a “good vibes only” attitude can stop us embracing our negative side but there are some crucial benefits to (sometimes) feeling blue.
Arguably the most thoughtful gift you could give mum this year – follow these recipes to make her a delicious homemade 2-course dinner.
Ebben a hónapban egy újabb sarkalatos pontra fókuszálunk: a pozitív gondolkodásra. Megmutatjuk, milyen előnyökkel jár, ha több tudatosságot viszel az életebe, és persze azt, hogy hogyan tedd ezt.
From saving money to calming anxiety – this is why you need to create and cultivate your own herb garden.
Want to reuse your candle jar? Here’s four ways you can remove all the wax remnants so you can give that pot a new lease of life.
For a taste sensation that’s super easy to make, you can’t beat this fruity twist on the traditional Easter egg served with a decadent chocolate sauce.
Almost every culture and religion has a spring cleaning custom, often linked with celebration and gratitude. So how can we recapture that mood in our modern lives, and make mindful moments from the mundane?
Welcome to our monthly series, “My Soulful Life”. Through 13 life-affirming questions - inspired by the points on The Art of Soulful Living compass - we’ll ask one luminary we admire to reflect on and reveal their true self.
We’ve rounded up the most calmingingredients around to create this menu that will keep you relaxed by day and promote sleep at night.
Treat your mum, or the mother figure in your life, with our expertly curated edit of gifts for every budget.
You asked, and we answered. Here are our most frequently asked sustainability questions, and all the answers you need to know.
Don't despair if you’ve already broken your new year goals. Plan a reflection moment instead. You haven’t failed, writes Danielle Hine, there’s still three quarters of the year to find fulfilment!
Welcome to our monthly series, “My Soulful Life”. Through 13 life-affirming questions - inspired by the points on The Art of Soulful Living compass - we’ll ask one luminary we admire to reflect on and reveal their true self.
This flavoursome and filling breakfast dish is perfect for sharing with friends and family.
Science shows that falling in love boosts your health and wellbeing, but as Laura Jane Williams explains, you don’t actually need to find ‘the one’ to reap the benefits
Awareness is one of the points on The Art of Soulful Living compass. And yet, making space for moments of awareness in your day can seem like another think to check off your to-do list. That is why we have broken awareness down into handy bitesize moments you can try anytime, anywhere.
Discover not one but three hummus recipes. Try your hands at making natural lemon, kalamata olive and sun-dried tomato hummus today.
It’s that time of year again. Here are some delicious ways to shake things up this month.
Do you ever feel like a slave to your smartphone? If you’re like the average person, you check it 200 times each day. Chances are you’re in need of a digital detox.
Always filling your time? Try “niksen”, the Dutch art of doing nothing. It could open your mind and boost your happiness.
Welcome to our monthly series, “My Soulful Life”. Through 13 life-affirming questions – inspired by the points on The Art of Soulful Living compass - we ask one luminary we admire to reflect on and reveal their true self.
New to baking or short on time? Here’s an easy cake recipe that your friends and family are sure to love.
Why not treat your friends and family to a homemade gift this year? Super easy to make, these cookies are a little festive delight.
Discover our expert guide for combining and layering the perfect combination of interior fragrances to create the perfect cosy ambiance.
Unlock the science behind affirmations and find out how to use them to stay positive and healthy.
Mangroves are vital, but don’t just take it from us – we spoke to the locals of the Sundarbans about why they need their forests restoring.
We put 13 life-affirming questions to Dee Boomkens, founder of AndBloom.
Birria is a Mexican dish, traditionally made using goat meat. Unsurprisingly, this tender spicy stew only gets better when served in a taco. And because everyone should get a chance to try this delight, we’ve made you a vegan version. This recipe replaces the meat with different kinds of mushrooms to bring texture to the dish and by leaving it to stew for enough time, it develops a delicious umami flavour that will have everyone reaching for another bite.
It’s easy to view joy and happiness as interchangeable, but knowing their differences can be vital when understanding our emotions.
The race is on! We’ve been planting, protecting or restoring a tree for every refill sold. With just over one month to go, this is how we're doing:
Entertaining? Wow your dinner guests with this delicious vegetarian starter, main and dessert, created by the head chef of Restaurant Rouhi.
Try our vegan twist on this breakfast delight with a blueberry and orange cream topping.
Finding a new fragrance is more than just a matter of personal taste, there’s a science to it. Here's how to find your perfect perfume match, and how to get the most out of it
You may think you know cheesecake, but not like this. Treat your dinner guests to this deliciously nutty and creamy, vegan extravaganza
With love as the central point of our Art of Soulful Living compass, here’s all the ways you can show your love through flowers
Want to show off your culinary skills to your dinner guests? Look no further than this classic Japanese dish with juicy chicken coated in a sweet and salty glaze
From feelings of confidence to comfort, this is the smart way to use fragrance to strengthen your mood
This month our focus is on love. The glue that binds us and that brings peace and joy to the world. Bring it into your life with our deep dive
My Soulful Life: 13 life-affirming questions with ballerina Katharina Nikelski.
Not all salads are born equal, this nourishing and filling dish doesn’t just taste great it’s calming too.
Ever noticed how some people seem to remain upbeat, regardless of what life throws at them? Optimism is said to be the holy grail of wellbeing, but is it something we can learn?
Ahead of our new Mindfulness for Modern Life Masterclass, meet our expert Ruby Wax. With a master’s degree in Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy she can help you feel less stressed.
Try this at-home version of Rouhi’s iconic miso soup - a dish you won’t be able to get enough of.
Discover how to keep hold of the simpler lockdown life we experienced when the world drifted away.
In our monthly feature inspired by The Art of Soulful Living compass, we ask one inspiring person to bare their soul with our 13 life-affirming questions...
Five people from around the world tell us what Pride means to them this year.
This delicious dessert is the perfect combination of crunchy and creamy textures, ideal as a cooling treat during hot summer days.
In our monthly feature inspired by The Art of Soulful Living compass, we ask one inspiring person to bare their soul with our 13 life-affirming questions...
Plus, he tells us how tragedy set him on a mission to make 1 billion people happy.
You could call Serendipity a stroke of luck, a situation where you find good things you weren’t looking for. But is there a way to manifest more of it?
In our new monthly feature inspired by The Art of Soulful Living compass, we ask one inspiring person to bare their soul with our 13 life-affirming questions...
Meet Raymond Cloosterman, founder and CEO of Rituals. We talk with him about his inspirations and the journey that led to the company's success.
It’s summer, it’s BBQ season and it’s time to add something new to the table (literally). Try these deliciously smoky chargrilled gems for a healthy summer side dish.
This season, we're celebrating the release of our first ever book, The Book of Rituals. Take a look inside.
Loading up on protein after exercise doesn’t have to mean loading up on meat. Recharge your body with this delicious vegan recipe.
Enjoy a sweet but healthy start to your morning that’s both nutritious and delicious.
Follow our simple small acts of kindness to put joy out into the world and help make someone happy.
A life coach’s guide to getting self-reflection right and – spoiler alert – it’s easier thank you think.
Treat your taste buds and your body to a delicious banana, chocolate and peanut butter smoothie bowl - loaded with flavour and health-boosting antioxidants.
Delicious dishes aren’t just for dinner time. This lunch recipe is ready in 15 minutes and is loaded with nutrients to give you a boost of energy.
They’re often assumed to be universal moments of joy, but for some, events like Mother’s Day can be challenging. Danielle Hine reveals the small acts of reflection that can lead to a greater sense of peace.
Our nightly 8 hours are essential, yet for many they remain a mystery. Tune into our podcast as we talk to sleep experts and learn why sleep is so important.
Wherever you start on our 13 point compass, and however often you consult it, you’ll come a step closer to discovering what true happiness means for you.
Packed with spices and nutrients, this delicious dahl is the perfect way to warm yourself up through the last of the winter months.
These little balls of energy are the perfect cure for an afternoon slump.
A classic, reinvented by head chef Renaud Goigoux, this dessert can be served with seasonal fruits and is surprisingly easy to make.
As the cold, gloomy reality of winter looms, the Blue Monday blues can easily creep in. These 8 healthy routines are the perfect remedy.
With the pandemic forcing us all to slow down, record numbers of people are reconsidering their careers. But first you need to reconnect with yourself, say experts, and discover what really gives your life purpose. Here’s how…
Have a truly soulful, love-filled, festive season with our guide to a holiday filled with compassion and kindness.
Candle meditation is a peaceful and surprisingly easy way to connect your body, mind and soul, and to feel calm and happy this festive season.
Tired of your new year’s resolutions failing? Try looking back rather than forward. Practicing gratitude has proven health benefits - here’s how to start.
The perfect remedy for dark, rainy days, snuggle up with this delicious sweet treat.
Life isn’t made up of big moments, it’s made up of many small ones. Here we reveal how to find happiness in the mundane.
The heady mix of blood orange, honey and vanilla make a sumptuously seasonal aperitif, while our simple mojito mocktail is a guaranteed crowd-pleaser.
What to do in November to have a healthy, stress-free December
Brunch menus can be a challenge for vegans, but with this delicious ramen broth with dried shiitakes and oyster mushrooms, they’ll feel like the guest of honour.
Struggling to feel happy right now? From journaling to sophrology techniques, try our expert tips to awaken joy and hold on to your happiness for longer.
Healthy comfort food does exist with this soul-nourishing recipe that’s high in fibre, nutrients and taste.
Slowing down is the key to happiness. But where to begin? Discover these simple routines you can practice daily to help you rediscover the beauty of life.
Vegan, tasty and delicious, these patties are an excellent replacement for a traditional burger.
Have you ever looked around your house and felt overwhelmed at the sheer volume of the stuff you own? If so, we’ve assembled a few of de-clutter guru Marie Kondo’s most important tips here.
From getting the most from your candle and the best spots to put your reed diffuser, to advice about how to scent your room to create an ambiance, you’ll want to read this handy guide.
A nutritious lentil dish with ginger and turmeric.
Discover the secrets of fragrance, learn the lingo and understand how to shop for perfumes you’ll love, every time.
Want to eat healthier more often? It’s all in the art of stocking your pantry.
Set a positive mood for the day and find inner peace by practising mindfulness during your daily commute.
There’s no place like home to put you at ease and make you feel good. Here are some practical ways to turn your living space into a living well space.
Have you lost a bit of your creative mojo? Chances are you need to let your inner child out with human rewilding – the new way to do a digital detox.
The power of manifestation allows you to harness the life you (subconsciously) envision and turn it into reality through thought, attraction and belief.
Try this delicious healthy dip recipe, plus explore more recipe ideas to build a wonderful summer picnic feast.
If you’re feeling bit groggy when you open your eyes, try incorporating these practical tips into your A.M. for a fresh start to the day.
Enjoy this spicy summer salad and accompanying refreshing mocktail, that’s both healthy and delicious.
Spread kindness by lovingly preparing these delicious pancakes, a twist on the classic recipe, to share with friends and family.
From setting intentions to treating your mind, body and soul, try these expert tips to stop feeling lonely and embrace the benefits of being happy alone
Discover the incredible history of haiku poetry and how these poems can inspire you every day.
Whether you have recently moved in or your house just doesn’t feel like home, try cleansing and rejuvenating the energy. Giselle La Pompe-Moore, spiritual guide, meditation teacher and founder of Project Ajna, shows you how.
The perfect lunchtime or light supper solution, this Japanese noodle and salmon bowl is super fresh and tasty. We like to serve it cold, perfect for a sunny spring day.
Whether chatting with friends or colleagues, the power of effective storytelling can surprise and delight. Discover how.
It can put a spring in your step and a smile on your face which is why we need more, more, more of it. Here’s where you can find your fix…
Meaning “how you like it cooked” these delicious pancakes will feed the whole family.
This wonderful, seasonal, dish is the prefect add-on to your Easter brunch table. The colours of green, yellow and white really pop in this recipe and you can make it totally vegan if you leave out the poached eggs.
In Conversation: Rituals Creative Director Dagmar Brusse and Happiness Ambassador Mo Gawdat talk about the challenge to make you happy.
Energy Healer Millana Snow shares 5 practical tips about how to be mindful with your energy & attention.
Treat your dad to this super tasty banana bread combo with cheesecake topping and homemade salted caramel sauce. An irresistibly good combo!
Descending from the Buddhist ritual of flower offerings, forget ready-made bouquets this year and embrace Ikebana
With no prep required come morning, these overnight oats are a simple, tasty breakfast that will give you a welcome energy boost.
School, yoga class, university, we bet some of the best female bonds you have blossomed without you even realising.
If you don’t know the difference between your prana and your chi or how to use your soul energy to regulate your emotions, you’re about to find out.
Renaud Goigoux is the creative mastermind behind the beautiful dishes at restaurant Rouhi at The House of Rituals. Discover what inspires the Head Chef of this Eastern-influenced restaurant.
Happiness is an essential part of well-being. Rather than strive to be happy ‘one day’, here are 6 reasons to be happy today.
Everyone talks about work-life balance, but shouldn’t life come first? We reveal 5 tips to help you balance your home and career.
The perfect meal for enjoying with a loved one, try this traditional lumpiang hubad-inspired recipe.
Dish out the heat with heart-warming recipes that are perfect to help fight off the winter chill.
Want to discover who you truly are and love that person? The Comparison Coach Lucy Sheridan reveals how...
Skincare ambassador Abigail and food expert Mirjam collaborated on this exclusive recipe that feature skin-nurturing ingredients. This super bowl is a treat for your taste buds and your complexion.
The moon affects all living things, but humans are the only beings who can experience this in full. Discover how to best optimise your nights based on the moon.
You don’t have to deprive your taste buds while eating healthy. The proof? This mouth-watering baked cauliflower rice with tempeh. It’s nutrient-rich, low in calories and high in flavour. Eating healthy never tasted so good.
Be kind, start small and go slow are just some of the ways you can create healthy, long-term and achievable habits that stick.
We’ve spent the past month eating and lazing about, and we’re starting to feel it weighing us down. Here are six quick ways to boost your body – and spirits – before this year closes.
Wow your friends and family when you serve up this delicious sticky toffee cake at the Christmas table! They’ll be talking about this indulgent dessert long into the new year.
It's Christmas dinner with an Asian twist. Feast your eyes on this wonderful, healthy and delicious menu. From a 10-vegetable soup to green side dishes and steamed white fish with ginger.
Seasons change, and so should your self-care routines. Here are 9 easy everyday tips for health and well-being during the cold winter months.
Want to create a private meditation retreat in your own house? These tips will help you turn any space into the perfect at-home meditation space.
Curl up with a good book in one hand and a seasonal heartwarming drink like Moon milk in the other. It’s time to be cosy and comfortable.
Better concentration, a good night’s sleep, less stress and beautiful dreams: discover how scents can positively influence body and soul.
Prepared with pan-fried tofu, stir-fried bok choy and a spicy hoisin sauce, this is one bowl of deliciousness that will warm your body and soul from tip to toe.
Expressing yourself through art can be very rewarding, and American artists Jason Seife and Zaria Forman have elevated it to a way of life. Discover the beautiful meaning behind their work.
We reveal the wonderful benefits of being compassionate towards others and yourself.
Nothings beats a soul-warming, hearty bowl of vegetable Singapore-style noodles on these cold and dark October evenings.
Calling all spice lovers! On tonight’s menu is a delicious black bean veggie burger with a cheeky piri piri sauce.
In today’s sustainably-conscious world, we share 8 ways to reconcile a love of hoarding books with a more mindful approach to collecting.
Discover Rituals’ innovative new unisex eau de parfum, L’Eclat, through the mind of the man who made it.
Want to feel your best this autumn? From tackling anxiety with binaural beats to taking inspiration from lunar living, this is how to boost your mood this fall.
Centuries old, the celebration of Tsukimi will inspire you to take a moment’s pause and count your blessings.
Turn down the heat for summer with food expert Mirjam Leslie-Pringle’s take on the traditional Spanish gazpacho!
This veggie take on crispy Peking duck pancakes is so convincing that you might even prefer it to the traditional version.
Discover 5 easy habits to help you recharge, re-energise and boost your productivity when the midday blues come a-calling.
An itinerary filled with mindful moments and nature, how to take in Amsterdam and come home rested.
You want your home to be both comforting and inviting. You can do this by making your interior pleasing to the eye, but what about to the nose? Fragrance has a tremendous impact on how you feel, and you want your house to feel like home. Read on to learn how home scents can positively affect your mood.
Learn how cultivating a glass-half-full attitude can help you in life, love, and so much more.
This homemade sushi salad with matcha dressing is healthy, delicious – and perfect for warm summer evenings. Loaded with antioxidants, it’s an absolute delight for your body and soul.
As temperatures rise, our bodies crave light and healthy drinks. Here are some delicious options to serve when you need a cool treat.
Soothe your wanderlust by letting your nose take you on a sensory journey around the world this summer.
Want to revel in the warm, slow days of summer without feeling sluggish? These tips for finding your summer balance will both relax & recharge you.
Hungry for more balance in your life? These vegetarian recipes for Indian vegetable salad and aubergine curry are inspired by Ayurveda and packed with flavour.
Discover why your house is a reflection of yourself and how you can improve your life by making small changes to your living space. Familiarize yourself with feng shui.
Looking for a recipe that’s fresh and healthy – with an unusual twist? Dive in to the wonderful world of umami with this delicious fresh salmon poke bowl.
Author Julie Pointer Adams tells us about the perfectly imperfect appeal of decorating with wabi-sabi – and how to bring it into your own home.
Whenever things get a bit busy or overwhelming, routines add stability and much-needed balance to our lives. They comfort us, give us more energy, and improve our overall well-being. Explore some simple routines you can do at home to unwind and help you become your best self.
In the mood for a sweet and energising treat? Satisfy your snack cravings with this easy and healthy recipe for homemade matcha granola bars.
Did you know that you can create more balance in your life by taking care of your body from the inside? These five Ayurvedic recipes will not only treat your taste buds, they’ll also awaken inner harmony. For a stronger mind-body connection, get cooking.
A nourishing breakfast that doesn’t require early-morning cooking? Try this easy recipe for overnight oats with cardamom, fresh fruits and pistachio.
Wondering how to make your home a stress-free haven where you can truly relax? These six easy decluttering tips will bring calm to your house and your mind.
Looking for a healthy smoothie bowl to power up your day? This energising acai & banana recipe is sweet and fresh—and also packed with skin-loving ingredients.
You spent at least a third of your day at the office – how’s it impacting your health? Wellness at work is holistic – starting from your posture and going all the way to light, air quality and other concerns also factor in. Keep reading to get the lowdown.
You’ve set your New Year’s resolutions – now it’s time to treat yourself. Get ready for an indulgent 2020 with these seven self-care tips for body, mind and soul.
Here’s a step-by-step recipe to give your homemade eggnog a festive (and fruity) twist this winter holiday season.
Throwing a holiday dinner party? Impress your guests with this festive recipe for bánh xèo, or Vietnamese sizzling pancakes.
Add sparkle to your holiday dinner table with this golden chickpea soup recipe with coconut milk, jalapeño peppers and turmeric.
Thanks to the colder weather, your comfy couch is looking more and more tempting. Cuddle up (guilt-free!) with one of these books and you’re sure to get through the fall.
Do you love the scent of burning incense sticks? There’s a tradition-rich “incense village” in Vietnam that you should know about.
Want to make your house feel homely? We called on 4 inspiring women with incredible homes to share their tips for organising and styling yours.
Sad summer’s over? 6 post-vacation tips for a smooth return to your daily routine after a long break.
These crispy pancakes with an Eastern twist truly are culinary masterpieces! Here’s how you whip up these easy yet deliciously refined breakfast pancakes.
Public parks are a source of well-being. Here’s why they make us happier & healthier, and where you can find the world’s most beautiful community parks.
Boost your mind and well-being by going off the grid on your holiday. Check out these 11 serene spots in Europe.
Transform your outdoor space into a soulful haven where you can retreat and relax. To help you create your own garden oasis, here are 9 essential tips.
Vegetarians don’t have to miss out on umami. Enjoy the fifth taste in these summer rolls with fried oyster mushrooms, mango, avocado & lime-soy dressing.
The summer solstice is here, bathing us in long hours of daylight. No solstice plans this year? Let these 6 sun-soaked traditions inspire & recharge you.
The design of our Amsterdam Collection was inspired by a museum piece. In this interview, museum curator Femke Diercks tells all about the iconic pot.
Made not with coffee but with powdered green tea, a matcha latte is a healthy energy-booster. Drink it iced for the ultimate summer pick-me-up.
By incorporating ancient traditions into their work, Aoi Yamaguchi and Peter Bellerby create unique and stunningly beautiful artworks.
A digital detox is the perfect way to hit the re-set button. Here’s how going off the grid and heading back to nature helps us reconnect with ourselves.
Kintsugi is the beautiful Japanese art of fixing broken pottery with gold-painted glue. Here's how this ancient practice can improve your well-being.
Drinking tea is not just about the beverage—it’s a ceremony. Discover what Japan’s traditional tea ceremony, chadō, can do for your well-being.
Wabi-sabi writer Julie Pointer tells us why we shouldn’t aim for perfection when it comes to our homes, our lives, and the moments we share with others.
Japan is at the top of many travel bucket lists, and with good reason. Discover some of the most unique places to visit in the land of the rising sun.
The Japanese possess a talent that we should all be trying to cultivate. It’s called inemuri, it is sleeping in public, and here’s how it works.
In Japan, happiness and good health are not goals—they’re habits. Discover what these 8 simple yet powerful habits & traditions can do for your body, mind & soul.
You are what you eat, and the same goes for your skin. That’s why we teamed up with our foodie Mirjam Leslie-Pringle and skincare expert Abigail James for this exclusive leafy green stir fry recipe.
The Japanese practice of forest bathing doesn’t involve soaking in a tub, but it can be just as relaxing. Here’s how shinrin-yoku can boost your well-being.
Did you know that looking at art isn’t just fun—it’s actually good for you? Discover why it has a relaxing effect and how it can help you in daily life.
The start of the new year doesn’t fall on the same day for everyone. Today is Chinese New Year—the most important Chinese holiday—also well-known as a celebration of spring. Get to know this beautiful tradition.
When the alarm clock rings, do you rise and shine or hit snooze? Discover whether you’re a morning or evening person, and how to make that work for you.
This recipe for kale soup and cauliflower masala ticks all your boxes: warming, delicious and super healthy. The perfect comfort food for winter.
CEO & founder of Rituals Raymond Cloosterman turned a wish into a worldwide success. He explains the power behind wishing and how it can change your life.
Love your lattes? Expert Mirjam shares 3 varieties that use vegetable milk instead of regular milk. Try a Golden Milk (with turmeric!) Beetroot & Cocoa or Chai Latte for an Ayurvedic twist on your favourite beverage.
Food connects us all, and the Persian cuisine surrounding the celebration of Yalda brings family and friends together in a meaningful way. Try out these delicious recipes and add an exotic touch to your table.
From its natural wonders to its thriving art scene, Persia—known today as Iran—has some delightful and little-known surprises worth discovering. Go exploring with us.
Boost mind, body and soul with these delicious yogi bowls. These 3 Asian-inspired recipes, designed by our expert Mirjam, make the perfect post-yoga meal. Balanced, tasty and just what you need to fuel yourself after a great session on the mat.
This raspberry smoothie recipe is a delicious and creative way to get your vitamins. Perfect for a warm summer’s day when you’re in the mood for an ice cream but want a healthier alternative.
Hear what expert Deborah has to say about her personal experience with yoga and how it has true life-changing potential. Check out this quick Q & A and be inspired to join our 3 Days of Yoga Program.
The time you’ve been waiting for is here—the new Soulwear collection is in stores. We sit down with Category Manager Karlijn Wolfs to discuss the new collection, why Soulwear belongs in every closet and of course, Karlijn’s own daily routines.
At this time of year, our bodies and taste buds crave lighter foods. That’s why we asked our food expert Mirjam to develop some easy, healthy recipes that are perfect for the warmer weather. Check them out and enjoy the taste of summer!
Looking for the perfect book to bring to the beach? Check out our summer reading list, filled with inspiration on slowing down and making the most of the season of sun.
No plans to travel abroad for your summer holiday? No worries, staying closer to home can be just as relaxing. We’ve selected some unique ‘staycation’ destinations nearby that can bring summer into your own backyard.
Are you ready for take-off? Thanks to these tips to survive a long-haul flight, you’ll be sure to have a relaxed and comfortable journey. When you land, you’ll be fresh and completely ready to make the most of your holiday.
The longer and warmer summer days always make us want to be outside. It’s the ideal time to start practicing some new habits in your daily life. We’ve put some ideas together to inspire you to stay active this summer.
Sometimes you just wish there were more hours in the day. But since that’s not an option, the only solution is to try to be as productive as possible in the hours you have. We searched for tips from some of the most successful people in the world to learn how they divide and conquer their day.
Nature has so much beauty to offer us, especially when it comes to water. That’s why we’ve selected some of the most amazing natural swimming pools for you to explore. From Scotland to Mexico and from Greece to Australia, each one is definitely worth diving into.
A snack rolled into little balls that is very easy to make and delicious for any moment of the day. Mix fresh nuts like pistachios and/or almonds with a ripe banana, Medjoul dates, baobab powder and matcha powder. This mixture is then rolled into little balls and coated in raw cacao. Your super snack is ready!
Everybody has to eat to survive, but how conscious are you of what you’re eating? We asked chef, fitness model and author of the book Chef with Lef Nigel van der Horst about the most important things to consider when it comes to mealtime. Keep reading for some unmissable advice about building the perfect plate.
Want to surprise the best mom in the world? This delicious breakfast recipe feature Matcha tea, perfect for giving her a tasty treat that’s also good for her health. Because every mom deserves to wake up smiling on Mother’s Day.
For your body to function optimally, it needs the best fuel. Chef, cookbook author and fitness model Nigel van der Horst shares some important advice about “intelligent eating,” and what it means for your daily life. Read on to discover his expert tips.
Matcha tea is the latest foodie trend—and if you haven’t tried it yet, these recipes are a great introduction to the ingredient. Packed with antioxidants, Matcha tea comes from Japan and has a pleasantly bitter taste. These 3 recipes are definite comfort food—not terribly healthy for the body, but amazing for the soul.
Wabi-sabi is the 2018 decor trend everyone needs to know about. This ancient Japanese art focuses on the beauty of imperfection. At home, that means the use of organic materials, pieces with imperfections and embracing authenticity. Find the beauty in the not-so-perfect!
We believe slowing down and taking the time to prepare your meal—and to savour it—is the key to a healthy and enjoyable experience. Step into our kitchen and learn about the art of soulful cooking.
Is there anything more comforting than a warm bowl of soup? Discover these four recipes that use fresh, seasonal ingredients. Hearty, healthy and perfect examples of mindful cooking and eating.
Everyone should consider incorporating the principles of ‘slow living’ into their lives. A concept that involves living a more mindful and meaningful life while staying truly connected to yourself. We’ve selected the best books to help you incorporate slow living in your life.
Chances are you’re already struggling with the resolutions you set for the New Year. Instead, why not create a new routine to carry you through 2018? Introduce yourself to the concept of soulful living and you’ll find everything falling into place—here’s how.
The holidays are about a lot of things: delicious food, exchanging gifts and festive parties, just to name a few. And what do all of these things have in common? We share them with friends and family. Commemorating special occasions with loved ones is a ritual dating back to ancient times—this is why.
One of the things we love about the holidays is the chance to get together with loved ones and eat delicious food. Looking for some unique dishes to surprise and delight your guests? These 4 recipes are seasonal, healthy and guaranteed to please.
Mirjam Leslie-Pringle is like so many of us: busy with work, family and trying to live her best life. A vegetarian cookbook author, photographer and mother of three, Mirjam spends her days on the beautiful island of Ibiza. There she cooks, writes, takes portraits and is preparing to open a store—in the following interview, she talks about how she combines all of this while still living a full and healthy life.
Who doesn’t love Oriental food? But instead of ordering in, why not slow down and take the time to prepare your own take on this delicious cuisine? Introducing 3 recipes with a creative twist on the classics to inspire soulful cooking.
Is India on your travel bucket list? These 3 hotspots are definitely worth a visit if you want to learn about the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda in the country where it originated.
If you’re like most people, you’ve been on a diet or two in your lifetime. But eating according to the Indian philosophy of Ayurveda isn’t a diet, it’s a lifestyle. And it could just be your ticket to long-lasting health and happiness.
In search of the perfect curry recipe? Look no further. This delicious vegetarian curry is just spicy enough to make you feel like you’re in India, but still suitable for every palate.
Snacking is no longer a guilty pleasure thanks to this healthy and flavourful dip. Exotic yet easy to make, it’s sure to be a crowd-pleaser during your next Netflix marathon or family gathering. Serve with raw veggies to satisfy your crunchy snack craving.
Fashion photographer Anushka Menon always knew she would be an artist. Looking at her impressive portfolio; she was completely right. We talked to her about her collaboration with Rituals, how she balances work and life, and her own rituals that keep her going.
Looking for an interesting twist on chicken noodle soup? This Vietnamese dish adds the surprising element of cucumber for a fresh and crispy bite. Tasty, original, and certain to please everybody at your table.
Make every dinner more meaningful with our Slow Cooking Playlist: from choosing the right ingredients and taking your time to prepare a meal, to pairing it with a curated playlist to set the right mood.
If you want to introduce more nutrition into your diet but don’t want to skimp on flavour, this warm salad has you covered. Made with lima beans and walnuts, the dish takes very little time to prepare and the ginger gives it a unique and interesting kick.
Japan is a wonderful place for inspiration—also in the kitchen! This delicious soup uses a sweeter and more exclusive type of lettuce to set it apart, and the shiitake mushrooms give this vegetarian dish a hearty, filling taste.
There are plenty of things to love about street food, and bao buns are no exception. But with this delicious recipe for vegetarian bao, you can stay at home and enjoy them any time you want.
Who doesn’t love ordering dumplings at a Chinese restaurant? But if you want to treat yourself or somebody else to them at home, we’ve got the perfect recipe to satisfy your craving.
This salad, made with red beets and red endive is not only delicious, it’s also extremely good for your skin. Red and orange coloured fruit and vegetables fight the ageing of the skin and last but not least, it’s also a boost to your immune system. So start eating!
Matcha is a finely ground powder of high quality green tea that is rich in chlorophyll and amino acids. It has both a stimulating and invigorating effect, while at the same time, it is also calming.
Dukkah is an Egyptian mix of roasted nuts, seeds and herbs that instantly adds a great Eastern twist to this simple breakfast. Once it’s made, you can keep the golden mixture in a closed, dry container for a long time to enjoy it again with this dish or other ones.
This delicious and visually appealing salad features mung beans—a type of small, green legume which is a great source of protein, fibre and antioxidants...
This soup is an ideal spring first course and makes an excellent addition to Easter dinner.
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