How to buy perfume as a gift - a handy guide
Buying perfume as a gift can be an overwhelming task. Here we reveal the simple tricks to ensure your present always hits the right note.
Buying perfume as a gift can be an overwhelming task. Here we reveal the simple tricks to ensure your present always hits the right note.
Non solo docciaschiuma. Preparati a innamorarti di questi regali Rituals ancora poco conosciuti.
Prendersi cura di sé e rallentare sono l’antidoto al burnout. Ecco come rilassarsi in modo consapevole.
Inizia la settimana nel modo giusto con queste sette semplici routine. Ne troverai una per ogni giorno della settimana, per migliorare il tuo benessere, superare lo stress e ritrovare l’equilibrio.
Distendi e rilassa i muscoli in 6 step post-allenamento.
Che si tratti di potenziare le fragranze o di segreti per la cura del corpo, il nostro esperto in innovazione ci svela i suoi rivoluzionari consigli per ottenere il massimo dai tuoi prodotti Rituals.
Da cosa mangiare al miglior esercizio fisico, gli esperti condividono i loro consigli per migliorare il tuo benessere in ciascuna fase del ciclo mestruale.
È più facile a dirsi che a farsi, ma se riesci a smettere di affannarti per raggiungere la perfezione, sarai sulla buona strada per trovare la tua pace interiore.
Scopri i poteri della pulizia della pelle: La nostra rinnovata collezione di The Ritual of Hammam abbraccia una tradizione secolare per una purificazione intensa.
Rilassarsi in vasca da bagno o fare una lunga doccia potrebbero sembrare azioni di poco conto, ma dedicarsi del tempo in bagno ha incredibili benefici sul benessere personale.
Il cuoio capelluto è fondamentale per una chioma sana, ma spesso viene trascurato. O almeno fino ad ora. Leggi la nostra guida per imparare tutto quello che c'è da sapere per un cuoio capelluto sano.
Una settimana di docce fredde ti farà sentire in cima al mondo. Sei all’altezza della sfida?
Abbiamo fatto questa domanda a un dermatologo e la risposta che abbiamo ricevuto potrebbe sorprenderti.
Esistono molte informazioni su cosa è sicuro e cosa è rischioso quando si tratta di trascorrere la giornata al sole. Ma come si fa a sapere quali informazioni sono affidabili e quali no? Sfatiamo i più comuni miti sulla corretta protezione solare.
You love the sun, but you also love your skin. Before you start soaking up those rays, read these essential suncare tips from the experts.
Il modo migliore per ottenere una pelle fresca e luminosa è esfoliarla adeguatamente. Non c'è da stupirsi: rimuove letteralmente le cellule morte e crea spazio per quelle nuove. Gli scrub possono essere a base di zucchero, sale, bambù o riso. Quale tipo di scrub è adatto a te?
Dall’alimentazione al fitness, dagli ormoni alla pelle: i nostri esperti spiegano alle donne cosa fare per la loro salute e quando.
Looking to soothe dry, flaky, itchy skin on your body, then look no further than our expert tips to hydrate and soften.
Un microbioma equilibrato è il segreto per una pelle felice e più sana. Qui ti sveliamo tutti i segreti di questa tendenza di skincare.
Ascoltare il tuo istinto con una maggiore consapevolezza può portarti a scoprire desideri reconditi e condurti a nuove fantastiche possibilità.
L’antica cerimonia dell’hammam, come un balsamo per lo spirito, è uno dei modi migliori per prendersi cura di sé, sia all’interno che all’esterno. Continua a leggere per scoprire come ricreare la propria spa casalinga.
Evocando la natura e portando vibrazioni positive, c’è un motivo per cui bergamotto, arancia, limone e lime sono tutti aromi piacevoli.
Sei pronto a sentire la sabbia tra le dita dei piedi e la brezza salata del mare tra i capelli? Prima di andare in spiaggia, dai un’occhiata ai nostri consigli per stare bene al sole ed essere felice.
Trasmetti il tuo spirito solare con questi semplici consigli per inondare la tua vita di energia edificante.
Se stai cercando il modo perfetto per rilassarti dopo una giornata intensa, allora questo massaggio ai piedi indulgente e facile da eseguire è un modo veloce per alleviare lo stress, scrive Sarah-Jane Corfield-Smith.
Senti di aver perso il tuo equilibrio? Scopri i punti di pressione nei tuoi piedi che possono aumentare il tuo benessere e impara i movimenti che rimetteranno in moto tutta la tua energia.
Sappiamo tutti quali sono i benefici che uno scrub corpo di qualità può offrire alla nostra pelle.
Avere un sonno di qualità è la base del nostro benessere, quindi, in occasione della Giornata mondiale del sonno (18 marzo 2022), siamo lieti di presentarti la nostra nuova esperta del sonno, la dott.ssa Shelby Harris.
Discreet enough to do at your desk, these tension-relieving routines focus on key pressure points and are a quick way to find calm.
A good hair day boosts confidence, so give your strands a helping hand with a dedicated at-home regime.
Whether it’s emails interrupting you writing that report, or WhatsApp distracting you when watching a film, these days we're all masters at flitting from one task to another. Here's how to fine tune your focus for a more productive, less stressful life.
Help your style survive rain, wind and sleet with the winter styling tips our hair experts swear by.
Not everyone is lucky enough to have a bathtub, or the time to use it. Here’s how to add the luxury we all deserve to our shower experience.
Brighten your mood and feel happy throughout the depths of winter with this enlightening guide.
With rainfall predicted to increase globally, is it possible to reframe out attitude towards the weather?
With flu on the rise this winter, we all need an extra boost to keep the bugs at bay. This immunity boosting meditation can help you to stay healthy - just add vitamin C!
Never heard of Jin Shin Jyutsu? Discover the benefits of this ancient Japanese art of healing, and try DIY techniques to boost your energy or calm nerves.
Use the power of plants to calm down your nervous system and prepare your body for a good night’s rest.
If you’re feeling tired during the day, boost you’re overall well-being without going to bed with a power nap. Lie or sit down, close your eyes, listen to this guided power nap meditation, and wake up feeling replenished and ready to greet the world.
We all experience an energy dip now and again. But if you want to avoid caffeine, these 7 tips can give you a natural boost.
Getting enough rest is extremely important to recover and recharge, both mentally and physically. Meditate, drink, mist and journal yourself to sleep.
Spent a little too long out in the sun? From less obvious tips to those things you know you should be doing, here’s how to keep your skin and body safe, happy and moisturised in the sun.
Hay fever getting you down? The good news is there are many natural and DIY remedies you can try to control your allergy.
From what to eat to intermittent fasting, fitness and the philosophy of ikigai, try these longevity-boosting tips from Japan for a healthier, longer life.
Whether it’s mental energy or physical energy, sometimes we could all do with a boost to replenish and renew ourselves. Here’s 9 easy ways you can do it.
A simple guide to becoming more energised every, single, day.
Spring symbolises rebirth, a fresh start and new beginnings. Learn the health benefits of sunlight and spring cleaning, and make the most of the new season.
Discover the beauty of loungewear fragrances and uplift your mood with scent.
Feeling a twinge or two from all the time you’re spending at your desk? These five tips will help protect your spine and keep you on top form.
From scheduling to healthy eating to finding a way to fit in that workout, here are our top tips make most of your time spent at home.
From immune support and stress relief to a stronger body, Qigong is a gentle workout that's surprisingly effective.
Treat your connective tissue nicely and it will reward you with flexibility, higher energy levels and a glowier complexion.
The incredible health benefits of power walking include lowering your blood pressure, getting fit, improving your heart health and boosting your mental well-being.
The Art of Yang Sheng, an ancient Chinese practice, advocates that it’s better to prevent than to cure. Here’s a few ways you can practice the art of self-healing.
Keep well this season by supercharging your meals with these immune-boosting foods.
In Ayurveda, the practice of “abhyanga”, has the life-changing power to alter the way you think about and treat your body for the better. Here’s how...
Don’t you just love long, warm summer days? However, the heat can sometimes make it challenging to fall asleep. With these tips, you’ll wake up well-rested every morning.
Your lungs do a lot to keep you healthy and on the move. Return the favour with these 7 ways to keep them on top form.
The not-so-secret secret to living a happy and healthy life is self-care. Wellness guru Deepak Chopra has divided this important practice into six pillars. Here’s everything you need to put his ideas into practice.
There are few things more relaxing than a luxurious massage. But what if you don’t have the time or resources to book an appointment with a professional? No worries—you can take matters into your own hands at home. Read on and discover how.
Your hands reveal a lot about you – what you do, where you've been and how you're doing. Try out our mindful at-home hand care routine, and nourish both your hands and your soul.
Not sure what hair type you have or how to style your strands? Our guide will help you identify your type and find the best hair care routine for you.
Winter is here, but did you know that chilly temperatures can actually be good for your health? Here's how using the cold in your daily routines keeps you warm.
Some people are blessed with healthy locks, others have to work for them. Thankfully, everybody can achieve it without too much trouble. Say goodbye to that dry, damaged ‘do and hello to your new hair.
Summer days are here to stay – but those sunny rays can also damage your hair. Hair and make-up stylist to the stars Carmen Zomers gives you the perfect advice to style your hair on hot days.
For the ultimate in head-to-toe relaxation, think feet first. Give yourself a luxurious pedicure in the comfort of your own home with these six simple steps.
On average, our bodies need no less than 2,8 litres of water every day—but are you really drinking that much? We thought not, but never fear: here's why water is so good for you and how you can hit that target each and every day.
This ancient practice of self-massage with warm oils can create deep feelings of relaxation, confidence, and warmth. Intrigued? Click through, relax and let us show you how it's done.