Ricetta per preparare un moon milk viola e fare sogni d’oro
Cambia la tua routine della buonanotte e prova questa deliziosa bevanda calda ai frutti di bosco che ti aiuterà a dormire meglio.
Cambia la tua routine della buonanotte e prova questa deliziosa bevanda calda ai frutti di bosco che ti aiuterà a dormire meglio.
Una variante del classico piatto olandese, questo stufato ricco di nutrienti è una vera delizia per il palato.
Ricche di proteine e fibre, queste piccole delizie sono molto meglio di un pacchetto di patatine, sia per salute sia per gusto
Hai degli amici a cena? Questo piatto facile e veloce è tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno per sfamare e deliziare i tuoi ospiti.
Sai già che, nei nostri prodotti, amiamo utilizzare gli ingredienti più freschi e profumati, quindi non ti sorprenderà che siano anche un’ottima ispirazione per preparare deliziosi drink.
Metti da parte i bagel al salmone affumicato: c’è un nuovo brunch natalizio con maionese ai mirtilli e al rosmarino, per un gusto epico.
Un dolce divertente da preparare e da condividere con famiglia e amici.
Ricca di sapore e spezie, questa zuppa di pollo di ispirazione vietnamita è il piatto ideale per scaldare le giornate invernali.
Una ciotola di comfort food: scopri perché il kitchari, un alimento base dell’Ayurveda, è rinomato per le sue proprietà curative.
Con agrumi, zenzero, cannella e gin allo 0%, questo cocktail analcolico è una vera delizia per il palato, soprattutto se decorato con oro alimentare.
Niente stress per cosa mangiare a pranzo con questa insalata sana che puoi preparare per tutta la settimana.
Così gustoso da non sembrare vegano, questo dessert estivo è perfetto per consumare le banane troppo mature.
Sfoggia una pelle più luminosa con questo delizioso frullato ricco di vitamine.
Scopri l’incontro di Oriente e Occidente, con questa fresca rivisitazione di un classico spagnolo.
Ricca di ingredienti che donano luminosità alla pelle, questa insalata di orzo è veloce e facile da preparare.
Ricco di sapori vivaci, questo piatto promette una sinfonia di piacere per le tue papille gustative ed è veloce da preparare!
Con un mix perfetto di tradizione italiana e sapore giapponese, questa panna cotta allo yuzu è una delizia unica e aromatica per il palato.
Facile da preparare, sostenibile e piena di gusto. Questa bowl di riso venere è un must nel tuo menu settimanale.
Una colazione con un caldo budino di riso e delle gustose ciliegie: favorisce la digestione e dà il
via alla giornata.
Il kimchi non è un piatto economico, perché allora non prepararselo da soli? È semplice, si conserva bene in frigorifero ed è ottimo per la salute.
Ricca di nutrienti per la pelle, questa insalata rapida e gustosa è l’ideale per un pranzo sano o come delizioso contorno.
Come regalo romantico o per dare un tocco in più al tuo brunch: i soufflé pancake lasceranno tutti a bocca aperta.
Inizia la giornata con il piede giusto con questo porridge dolce e fresco e la sfiziosa croccantezza dei pistacchi.
Ricco di vitamine che aiutano a mantenere la pelle sana, questo frullato è il modo perfetto per iniziare la giornata.
A base vegetale e ricchi di gusto: se hai bisogno di ispirazione per la cena, ecco cinque piatti senza carne e latticini assolutamente da provare.
Non sai come aggiungere proteine alla tua dieta? Ecco una colazione, uno spuntino e un frullato vegetariani adatti a qualsiasi giornata e ricchi di proteine.
Sorprendi i tuoi ospiti con questi tre snack di altissima qualità, le tartine perfette per tutte le occasioni.
Porta sulla tua tavola delle feste dei piatti da ristorante con questo menu di Renaud Goigoux, capo chef di Rouhi.
Ami le fragranze della Private Collection? Per realizzare questi raffinati mocktail, abbiamo preso ispirazione da 4 dei tuoi profumi preferiti.
A moreish must-try: Cong you bing scallion pancakes
Some things are just better made at home. With only four ingredients you can whip up these delicious vegan ice lollies with fruity fresh pomegranate.
From energising smoothie bowls to easy overnight oats and low-calorie vegan French toast, try these delicious healthy breakfast ideas to start your day right
Squisite, appetitose e pronte ogni volta in cui non sai cosa preparare: prova queste idee per una cena sana e facile. Sono perfette per ogni sera della settimana. Chi ha detto che il cibo sano non è anche gustoso?
Refreshing, cooling and thirst-quenching, iced tea is the perfect summer drink. Here are three simple recipes to keep you happy and hydrated all summer long.
Probabilmente è il regalo più sentito che potresti fare alla tua Mamma quest’anno: segui queste ricette e preparale una deliziosa cena di due portate.
Se desideri creare un gusto sensazionale con pochi semplici passaggi, prova questa delizia fruttata all’interno del tradizionale uovo di Pasqua servito con una cascata di salsa al cioccolato.
We’ve rounded up the most calmingingredients around to create this menu that will keep you relaxed by day and promote sleep at night.
This flavoursome and filling breakfast dish is perfect for sharing with friends and family.
Scopri non una, ma ben tre ricette. Oggi mettiti alla prova con un hummus al limone, uno alle olive di Kalamata e uno ai pomodori secchi.
It’s that time of year again. Here are some delicious ways to shake things up this month.
Alle prime armi con il forno o hai poco tempo? Ecco una ricetta per una torta di compleanno che i tuoi amici e famigliari adoreranno di sicuro.
Perché non regalare ad amici e parenti un dono fatto in casa, quest'anno? Facilissimi da preparare, questi biscotti sono una piccola delizia festiva.
La birria è un piatto messicano tradizionalmente preparato con carne di capra. Non sorprende che questo delicato stufato speziato sia ancora più gustoso se servito in un taco. Dato che tutti dovrebbero avere la possibilità di provare questa delizia, abbiamo creato una versione vegana. Questa ricetta sostituisce la carne con diversi tipi di funghi per dare consistenza al piatto. Inoltre, lasciandolo stufare per un tempo sufficiente, rilascia un delizioso sapore di umami che te ne farà desiderare sempre di più.
Hai ospiti a cena? Stupiscili con questo delizioso antipasto, piatto principale e dessert, tutti vegetariani, creati dall’Head Chef del nostro Restaurant Rouhi.
Prova questo piatto vegano a colazione arricchito da una crema di mirtilli e arancia.
Forse conosci la cheesecake, ma non come questa. Perché non viziare i tuoi ospiti con questa spettacolare delizia vegana, dal sapore nocciolato e cremoso?
Vous avez envie d’en mettre plein la vue (et les papilles) à vos invités ? Essayez donc ce grand classique japonais : un poulet juteux et mariné dans une sauce sucrée-salée
Non tutte le insalate sono uguali e questo piatto nutriente e sostanzioso non solo è buonissimo, ma è anche calmante.
Prova questa versione casalinga dell’iconica zuppa di miso di Rouhi, un piatto di cui non ne avrai mai abbastanza.
Concediti una coccola con un’esplosione di vitamina C e una dose di energia con questa insalata leggera e fresca.
Questo dolce delizioso è la combinazione perfetta di croccante e cremoso, ideale come coccola rinfrescante durante le afose giornate estive.
È estate, è la stagione delle grigliate ed è tempo di aggiungere qualcosa di nuovo in tavola (letteralmente). Prova queste lattughe grigliate, deliziosamente affumicate, per portare in tavola un sano contorno estivo.
Fare il pieno di proteine dopo l’esercizio fisico non significa fare il pieno di carne. Ricarica il tuo corpo con questa deliziosa ricetta vegana.
Concediti un inizio giornata dolce ma salutare, nutriente e delizioso.
Delizia il tuo palato all’inizio della giornata con questa deliziosa smoothie bowl di banana, cioccolato e burro di arachidi.
Delicious dishes aren’t just for dinner time. This lunch recipe is ready in 15 minutes and is loaded with nutrients to give you a boost of energy.
Packed with spices and nutrients, this delicious dahl is the perfect way to warm yourself up through the last of the winter months.
These little balls of energy are the perfect cure for an afternoon slump.
A classic, reinvented by head chef Renaud Goigoux, this dessert can be served with seasonal fruits and is surprisingly easy to make.
The perfect remedy for dark, rainy days, snuggle up with this delicious sweet treat.
The heady mix of blood orange, honey and vanilla make a sumptuously seasonal aperitif, while our simple mojito mocktail is a guaranteed crowd-pleaser.
Brunch menus can be a challenge for vegans, but with this delicious ramen broth with dried shiitakes and oyster mushrooms, they’ll feel like the guest of honour.
Healthy comfort food does exist with this soul-nourishing recipe that’s high in fibre, nutrients and taste.
Vegan, tasty and delicious, these patties are an excellent replacement for a traditional burger.
A nutritious lentil dish with ginger and turmeric.
Want to eat healthier more often? It’s all in the art of stocking your pantry.
Try this delicious healthy dip recipe, plus explore more recipe ideas to build a wonderful summer picnic feast.
Enjoy this spicy summer salad and accompanying refreshing mocktail, that’s both healthy and delicious.
Spread kindness by lovingly preparing these delicious pancakes, a twist on the classic recipe, to share with friends and family.
The perfect lunchtime or light supper solution, this Japanese noodle and salmon bowl is super fresh and tasty. We like to serve it cold, perfect for a sunny spring day.
It can put a spring in your step and a smile on your face which is why we need more, more, more of it. Here’s where you can find your fix…
Meaning “how you like it cooked” these delicious pancakes will feed the whole family.
This wonderful, seasonal, dish is the prefect add-on to your Easter brunch table. The colours of green, yellow and white really pop in this recipe and you can make it totally vegan if you leave out the poached eggs.
Treat your dad to this super tasty banana bread combo with cheesecake topping and homemade salted caramel sauce. An irresistibly good combo!
With no prep required come morning, these overnight oats are a simple, tasty breakfast that will give you a welcome energy boost.
Renaud Goigoux is the creative mastermind behind the beautiful dishes at restaurant Rouhi at The House of Rituals. Discover what inspires the Head Chef of this Eastern-influenced restaurant.
The perfect meal for enjoying with a loved one, try this traditional lumpiang hubad-inspired recipe.
Dish out the heat with heart-warming recipes that are perfect to help fight off the winter chill.
Skincare ambassador Abigail and food expert Mirjam collaborated on this exclusive recipe that feature skin-nurturing ingredients. This super bowl is a treat for your taste buds and your complexion.
You don’t have to deprive your taste buds while eating healthy. The proof? This mouth-watering baked cauliflower rice with tempeh. It’s nutrient-rich, low in calories and high in flavour. Eating healthy never tasted so good.
Wow your friends and family when you serve up this delicious sticky toffee cake at the Christmas table! They’ll be talking about this indulgent dessert long into the new year.
It's Christmas dinner with an Asian twist. Feast your eyes on this wonderful, healthy and delicious menu. From a 10-vegetable soup to green side dishes and steamed white fish with ginger.
Curl up with a good book in one hand and a seasonal heartwarming drink like Moon milk in the other. It’s time to be cosy and comfortable.
Prepared with pan-fried tofu, stir-fried bok choy and a spicy hoisin sauce, this is one bowl of deliciousness that will warm your body and soul from tip to toe.
Nothings beats a soul-warming, hearty bowl of vegetable Singapore-style noodles on these cold and dark October evenings.
Calling all spice lovers! On tonight’s menu is a delicious black bean veggie burger with a cheeky piri piri sauce.
Turn down the heat for summer with food expert Mirjam Leslie-Pringle’s take on the traditional Spanish gazpacho!
This veggie take on crispy Peking duck pancakes is so convincing that you might even prefer it to the traditional version.
This homemade sushi salad with matcha dressing is healthy, delicious – and perfect for warm summer evenings. Loaded with antioxidants, it’s an absolute delight for your body and soul.
As temperatures rise, our bodies crave light and healthy drinks. Here are some delicious options to serve when you need a cool treat.
Hungry for more balance in your life? These vegetarian recipes for Indian vegetable salad and aubergine curry are inspired by Ayurveda and packed with flavour.
Looking for a recipe that’s fresh and healthy – with an unusual twist? Dive in to the wonderful world of umami with this delicious fresh salmon poke bowl.
In the mood for a sweet and energising treat? Satisfy your snack cravings with this easy and healthy recipe for homemade matcha granola bars.
Did you know that you can create more balance in your life by taking care of your body from the inside? These five Ayurvedic recipes will not only treat your taste buds, they’ll also awaken inner harmony. For a stronger mind-body connection, get cooking.
A nourishing breakfast that doesn’t require early-morning cooking? Try this easy recipe for overnight oats with cardamom, fresh fruits and pistachio.
Looking for a healthy smoothie bowl to power up your day? This energising acai & banana recipe is sweet and fresh—and also packed with skin-loving ingredients.
Here’s a step-by-step recipe to give your homemade eggnog a festive (and fruity) twist this winter holiday season.
Throwing a holiday dinner party? Impress your guests with this festive recipe for bánh xèo, or Vietnamese sizzling pancakes.
Add sparkle to your holiday dinner table with this golden chickpea soup recipe with coconut milk, jalapeño peppers and turmeric.
These crispy pancakes with an Eastern twist truly are culinary masterpieces! Here’s how you whip up these easy yet deliciously refined breakfast pancakes.
Vegetarians don’t have to miss out on umami. Enjoy the fifth taste in these summer rolls with fried oyster mushrooms, mango, avocado & lime-soy dressing.
Made not with coffee but with powdered green tea, a matcha latte is a healthy energy-booster. Drink it iced for the ultimate summer pick-me-up.
You are what you eat, and the same goes for your skin. That’s why we teamed up with our foodie Mirjam Leslie-Pringle and skincare expert Abigail James for this exclusive leafy green stir fry recipe.
This recipe for kale soup and cauliflower masala ticks all your boxes: warming, delicious and super healthy. The perfect comfort food for winter.
Love your lattes? Expert Mirjam shares 3 varieties that use vegetable milk instead of regular milk. Try a Golden Milk (with turmeric!) Beetroot & Cocoa or Chai Latte for an Ayurvedic twist on your favourite beverage.
Food connects us all, and the Persian cuisine surrounding the celebration of Yalda brings family and friends together in a meaningful way. Try out these delicious recipes and add an exotic touch to your table.
Boost mind, body and soul with these delicious yogi bowls. These 3 Asian-inspired recipes, designed by our expert Mirjam, make the perfect post-yoga meal. Balanced, tasty and just what you need to fuel yourself after a great session on the mat.
This raspberry smoothie recipe is a delicious and creative way to get your vitamins. Perfect for a warm summer’s day when you’re in the mood for an ice cream but want a healthier alternative.
At this time of year, our bodies and taste buds crave lighter foods. That’s why we asked our food expert Mirjam to develop some easy, healthy recipes that are perfect for the warmer weather. Check them out and enjoy the taste of summer!
A snack rolled into little balls that is very easy to make and delicious for any moment of the day. Mix fresh nuts like pistachios and/or almonds with a ripe banana, Medjoul dates, baobab powder and matcha powder. This mixture is then rolled into little balls and coated in raw cacao. Your super snack is ready!
Everybody has to eat to survive, but how conscious are you of what you’re eating? We asked chef, fitness model and author of the book Chef with Lef Nigel van der Horst about the most important things to consider when it comes to mealtime. Keep reading for some unmissable advice about building the perfect plate.
Want to surprise the best mom in the world? This delicious breakfast recipe feature Matcha tea, perfect for giving her a tasty treat that’s also good for her health. Because every mom deserves to wake up smiling on Mother’s Day.
For your body to function optimally, it needs the best fuel. Chef, cookbook author and fitness model Nigel van der Horst shares some important advice about “intelligent eating,” and what it means for your daily life. Read on to discover his expert tips.
Matcha tea is the latest foodie trend—and if you haven’t tried it yet, these recipes are a great introduction to the ingredient. Packed with antioxidants, Matcha tea comes from Japan and has a pleasantly bitter taste. These 3 recipes are definite comfort food—not terribly healthy for the body, but amazing for the soul.
We believe slowing down and taking the time to prepare your meal—and to savour it—is the key to a healthy and enjoyable experience. Step into our kitchen and learn about the art of soulful cooking.
Is there anything more comforting than a warm bowl of soup? Discover these four recipes that use fresh, seasonal ingredients. Hearty, healthy and perfect examples of mindful cooking and eating.
One of the things we love about the holidays is the chance to get together with loved ones and eat delicious food. Looking for some unique dishes to surprise and delight your guests? These 4 recipes are seasonal, healthy and guaranteed to please.
Mirjam Leslie-Pringle is like so many of us: busy with work, family and trying to live her best life. A vegetarian cookbook author, photographer and mother of three, Mirjam spends her days on the beautiful island of Ibiza. There she cooks, writes, takes portraits and is preparing to open a store—in the following interview, she talks about how she combines all of this while still living a full and healthy life.
Who doesn’t love Oriental food? But instead of ordering in, why not slow down and take the time to prepare your own take on this delicious cuisine? Introducing 3 recipes with a creative twist on the classics to inspire soulful cooking.
If you’re like most people, you’ve been on a diet or two in your lifetime. But eating according to the Indian philosophy of Ayurveda isn’t a diet, it’s a lifestyle. And it could just be your ticket to long-lasting health and happiness.
In search of the perfect curry recipe? Look no further. This delicious vegetarian curry is just spicy enough to make you feel like you’re in India, but still suitable for every palate.
Snacking is no longer a guilty pleasure thanks to this healthy and flavourful dip. Exotic yet easy to make, it’s sure to be a crowd-pleaser during your next Netflix marathon or family gathering. Serve with raw veggies to satisfy your crunchy snack craving.
Looking for an interesting twist on chicken noodle soup? This Vietnamese dish adds the surprising element of cucumber for a fresh and crispy bite. Tasty, original, and certain to please everybody at your table.
Make every dinner more meaningful with our Slow Cooking Playlist: from choosing the right ingredients and taking your time to prepare a meal, to pairing it with a curated playlist to set the right mood.
If you want to introduce more nutrition into your diet but don’t want to skimp on flavour, this warm salad has you covered. Made with lima beans and walnuts, the dish takes very little time to prepare and the ginger gives it a unique and interesting kick.
Japan is a wonderful place for inspiration—also in the kitchen! This delicious soup uses a sweeter and more exclusive type of lettuce to set it apart, and the shiitake mushrooms give this vegetarian dish a hearty, filling taste.
There are plenty of things to love about street food, and bao buns are no exception. But with this delicious recipe for vegetarian bao, you can stay at home and enjoy them any time you want.
Who doesn’t love ordering dumplings at a Chinese restaurant? But if you want to treat yourself or somebody else to them at home, we’ve got the perfect recipe to satisfy your craving.
This salad, made with red beets and red endive is not only delicious, it’s also extremely good for your skin. Red and orange coloured fruit and vegetables fight the ageing of the skin and last but not least, it’s also a boost to your immune system. So start eating!
Matcha is a finely ground powder of high quality green tea that is rich in chlorophyll and amino acids. It has both a stimulating and invigorating effect, while at the same time, it is also calming.
Dukkah is an Egyptian mix of roasted nuts, seeds and herbs that instantly adds a great Eastern twist to this simple breakfast. Once it’s made, you can keep the golden mixture in a closed, dry container for a long time to enjoy it again with this dish or other ones.
This delicious and visually appealing salad features mung beans—a type of small, green legume which is a great source of protein, fibre and antioxidants...
This soup is an ideal spring first course and makes an excellent addition to Easter dinner.