Uno yoga flow per le mattine fredde e buie
Un breve flow rigenerante per iniziare la giornata, quando tutto quello che desideri è restare sotto le coperte
Un breve flow rigenerante per iniziare la giornata, quando tutto quello che desideri è restare sotto le coperte
Stimola il sistema linfatico e contrasta il gonfiore con questo yoga flow per ritrovare la leggerezza.
Relax your body & mind with this yin yoga sequence. The slow, restorative poses give you a full body stretch.
Attiva il nervo vago con questo flow per alleviare l’ansia, allontanare lo stress e favorire il rilassamento.
Hai sempre desiderato provare lo yoga? Questo allenamento online guidato da Deborah Quibell è l’ideale per cominciare.
Dal significato dei chakra agli esercizi di yoga e alle meditazioni per allinearli: ecco come utilizzarli per sentirsi al meglio.
Pensato per sciogliere lo stress e le tensioni della giornata o del lavoro, ti aiuterà a rilassarti profondamente con esercizi di respirazione e torsione.
Questo allenamento prevede una serie di posizioni yoga che ti aiutano a diventare più flessibile. Aggiungilo al tuo programma di fitness di oggi.
Questa sessione dinamica di yoga vinyasa di Deborah Quibell ti farà sentire più forte.
Concediti un risveglio dolce e lento con questo yoga flow semplice, ma dinamico.
Sfrutta l’energia della luna e sviluppa un senso di equilibrio con questo flow serale.
Ideata per sciogliere la tensione della colonna vertebrale e dei muscoli circostanti, questa sequenza ti farà sentire rilassato.
Ricarica le batterie con questa pratica ricca di piegamenti all’indietro, torsioni dinamiche e una singolare tecnica di respirazione.
I tuoi muscoli sono rigidi? Alleggerisci il corpo e allunga i muscoli, rendili elastici e rilassali con questo yoga flow.
Con questo flow rilassante, riposati dopo la giornata e prepara il tuo corpo e la tua mente per una bella dormita.
Il tuo core è il luogo in cui risiede una forza speciale. Gli addominali forti contribuiscono a una schiena sana e a una postura elegante. Allenati in soli 15 minuti.
Allevia il gonfiore fastidioso, e persino doloroso, in meno di 15 minuti.
Connettiti con il tuo corpo e diventa forte come una quercia con questo yoga flow che ti aiuterà ad allungarti. Sfrutta i benefici di una postura corretta e sviluppa la tua forza mentale.
Calma il sistema nervoso con questa rilassante combinazione di yoga e meditazione. Sincronizza il respiro con i movimenti e abbandonati a uno stato mentale rilassato.
Se non hai voglia di fare attività fisica, può essere difficile trovare la motivazione. Per questo abbiamo creato un allenamento semplice, divertente ed energizzante, che potrai fare a casa, tutte le volte che vorrai.
Want to spend the entire day with a smile on your face? Then this Hatha yoga routine is the key to your happiness! Watch the video now.
Concediti un momento d’amore in più con questa breve ma efficace sessione da 20 minuti. Abbinando il movimento alla respirazione, riuscirai ad alleviare le tensioni sia del corpo che della mente.
È bello condividere con voi dei modi per rilassarsi, soprattutto quando hanno a che fare con lo yoga.
Se rimetterti in forma velocemente è in cima alla tua lista dei propositi per l'anno nuovo o se semplicemente vuoi meno stress, più aria fresca nella tua vita, questo allenamento al salto della corda potrebbe diventare il tuo nuovo passatempo preferito.
Prenditi del tempo per te e circondati di vibrazioni positive con questo allenamento gentile, ma di potenziamento.
Prova una straordinaria sensazione di pace e gioia con questa lezione di pilates che aumenterà le tue endorfine
È facile perdere di vista il motivo per cui ci alleniamo: sentirci bene e nutrire corpo e cervello. Sfida entrambi, mantenendo la concentrazione, con questo allenamento consapevole a corpo libero.
Rendi più divertente lo yoga con questa pratica da fare insieme all'amico/a del cuore, per donare all’amicizia una dimensione inedita.
Anticipa la sveglia di un paio di minuti e comincia bene la giornata con questi esercizi di stretching.
Da muscoli rilassati a un corpo tonico, da una mente calma a un sonno profondo, queste 3 famose sequenze di yoga miglioreranno la tua vita.
Se vuoi rallegrare il tuo spirito e sentirti leggero e felice, prova questo workout di 30 minuti.
Scopri l’allenamento perfetto per sentirti bene. Questa sequenza di movimenti è pensata per farti allungare il corpo e per tirarti su di morale, donandoti un'esplosione di felicità duratura.
Quest’estate, dimenticati degli addominali scolpiti: questo allenamento consapevole ti permetterà di avere un core tonico e di potenziare tutto il corpo per sempre.
Questo flusso di resistenza a doppia azione non solo rafforzerà i tuoi muscoli, ma allenterà anche tensioni fisiche e mentali per infonderti il massimo benessere.
Aiuta il tuo corpo a rilassarsi e a recuperare con questi esercizi di stretching rilassanti.
Se inserirai le inversioni nella tua pratica di yoga non solo irrobustirai il corpo, ma renderai più forte la mente. Con questa serie di posizioni, ideale per tutti i livelli, avrai finalmente una prospettiva diversa sulle tue competenze.
Strengthen your abdominal muscles and cleanse your system with this fluid Vinyasa class.
Flow through this Kapha class with steady postures that supports your body to get rid of old energy and to create space for the new.
Designed to tackle feelings of overwhelm and help you re-find your focus, this is your secret weapon workout to see off spiralling thoughts.
Feeling like you need a refresh after the holidays? This cleansing yoga flow is the perfect way to kickstart your year.
Now is the perfect time to make resolutions for 2022, and this invigorating yoga sequence will inspire and motivate you.
Little time to exercise this festive season? This super effective, 10-minute, heart-pumping Pilates session
Your muscles will melt and tension release thanks to this simple post-workout foam rolling session.
Enjoy all the health benefits of this strong full body Pilates workout for lean muscles, a strong core and a healthy spine.
Face reflexology is a routine that includes a luxurious facial massage. If you’re looking for a natural way to boost your energy levels while also infusing your skin with radiance, watch this exclusive how-to video.
This calming yoga flow is all you need to melt away stress. Start the countdown to the festive season feeling cool, calm and collected.
Try this aligning chakra meditation to unblock your seven chakras and evoke perfect harmony between body, mind and soul.
Enjoy all the health benefits of this fun mandala flow that will guide you around your mat.
If you experience lower back pain, tight hips could be the cause of it. Try this 26-minute yoga flow to release your hips and protect your lower back.
This yoga flow for a tired neck and shoulders will release tension and encourage a well-aligned posture. Try this 24-minute practice that is physically intense enough to keep you moving, but gentle enough to prevent further strain.
Spice up your day and give this lunchtime routine a try for renewed energy and a calm and focused mind.
If your agenda is packed with summery events, and you are unable to pay the gym a visit, try this resistance band workout that you can do anywhere.
Hot summer nights can make falling asleep near impossible, prepare yourself for a goodnight’s rest with this cooling yoga flow.
Greet the new day with this visual guide to sun salutations that will leave you feeling wonderfully energised.
Full of gentle postures and slow, relaxing, holds, this flow will prepare your body for a restful night’s sleep.
Want to step up your yoga practice? Then give this full body flow a try to recharge body and mind.
Want a strong, lean body but don’t always have the time to exercise? Try one of these Pilates workouts whether you have 15 minutes or 45.
For anybody wanting some guidance on sun salutations, this video is for you.Expert Deborah explains the meaning behind these very popular series of postures and takes you through them step by step.
Want to drift off with ease and sleep deeply tonight? Factor this relaxing guided meditation in to your bedtime routine.
Pilates is a total body & soul workout—it strengthens your muscles as well as your mind. If you want to get to know the basics, this video is for you.
Thrive at your desk job with this after-work vinyasa yoga routine! By loosening and lengthening your muscles, the poses undo the damage of sitting all day.
Who says you have to hit the gym to get in shape for summer? Instead of spending hours doing crunches, try our this targeted core yoga workout. Watch and learn as our expert Laura guides you to a fitter body and a deeper connection between mind, body and soul.
Strengthen your arms, abs and back in just 25 minutes with this full upper body Pilates video class, taught by our expert Laura van Ree. Enjoy the burn!
You’ve heard about clearing your mind, but what about your heart? Expert Deborah demonstrates a yoga practice to help you slow down during difficult times and deal with your emotions in a healthy way.
You don't need to hit the gym to get fit. These basic exercises from our fitness expert are designed to strenghten your core from the comfort of your living room. Get ready to sweat.
Bring positive energy to your day with this short morning yoga flow. The poses are quick, easy and super effective. Rise & shine!
Transitioning from a night of sleep to an active morning can be a challenge. But in this video, Deborah demonstrates the perfect yoga sequence to awaken your body and mind and start your day off right.
Tone up your legs and butt with this lower body Pilates sequence. Taught by expert Laura van Ree, this video class will give you a super strong workout!
Discover a natural way to effectively boost and enhance your complexion without spending a fortune. Watch our how-to video on facial yoga to get the glow.
A full moon can often bring you restless days and sleepless nights. These relaxing yoga poses will help you slow down, find balance and align your energies.
End your day with this slow evening yoga routine to unwind, relax and sleep better. Start the video and expert Deborah will guide you through the poses.
Hormones out of whack? All you need is this vinyasa yoga flow with lots of twists, inversions and other poses to restore hormonal balance. Watch the video!
To give your core some much-deserved love and attention, try this Pilates & yoga fusion flow designed by our expert Laura.
Yin yoga brings your body & mind into a state of deep relaxation, which can help you sleep. Try this soothing bedtime sequence for a perfect night’s rest.
Want to become more flexible—both physically and mentally? To help you relax more and stress less, try this soothing sequence of yin yoga poses.
After a hectic day, there’s nothing quite like yoga to unwind your mind and relax your body. Deborah takes you through the ideal routine to help you transition from an active day to a restful evening.
Every day is filled with transition. From waking up to an active work day to unwinding in the evening, we’re always changing. Expert Deborah explains, in simple and practical steps, how to find your flow.
Feeling low on motivation? This yoga session will give you a much-needed balance boost. Deborah teaches you how to check in with your body and gain the strength to push out of your rut. Let’s get on the mat.
Slowing down starts with yoga. Deborah has designed a softer, gentler yoga practice to restore balance during the times when you feel overworked and your energy levels are depleted. Simply relax and get on the mat.
Now that autumn is in full swing, you may feel a bit off-kilter. As Deborah explains in this video, our bodies and minds are sensitive to seasonal change. Watch it and discover how to restore your balance.
Are you hooked on yoga yet? If not, the final day of our 3 Days of Yoga program will get you there. Join expert Deborah for a session that will re-inspire, re-motivate and remind you why we all love yoga: and encourage you to take what you’ve learned in the previous sessions to create your own personal daily routine.
Feeling a bit out of balance today? That’s okay—day 2 of our 3 Days of Yoga program was designed to bring harmony to body and mind. Join us and expert Deborah to reap the full emotional and physical rewards of better alignment and listening to your feelings while you practice yoga.
Whether you’re brand new to yoga or need some motivation to get back on the mat, we want to help. Welcome to Day 1 of our 3 Days of Yoga program, designed by our expert Deborah. Slow down, breathe in and let her guide you through a 30 minute session guaranteed to remind you why yoga is the best exercise for body, mind and soul.
Need more reasons to hit the yoga mat? We’ve got 10! Discover how and why yoga is the best exercise for both body and mind, and how we can help you jump-start your practice.
Want to start every day with energy? Sun salutations are the answer. In this video, yoga expert Deborah breaks down the poses of this well-known yoga ritual, so you can harness the power of greeting the sun, helping you experience more energy and clarity every day.
You might think that stretching is only something you do before or after your workout. However, according to our fitness expert Chris, it’s actually good to do stretching exercises on a daily basis—especially when you sit still a lot of the day. He explains a few exercises that are easy to add to your daily routine.
Think you don’t have enough time to practice yoga? Think again, because our expert Laura has designed a short yoga sequence that is ideal for even the most hectic of mornings. Watch and learn for a quick energy boost.
We can all use an energy boost now and then. But thanks to the hectic pace of our lives, we often need it quickly. Expert Laura has created the perfect yoga sequence for when you’re short on time but still want a burst of energy to keep you going all day.
Always wanted to try yoga but not sure where to start? Then you’ve come to the right place, because our expert Laura is here to help. Watch our exclusive video for a Hatha yoga routine that’s so simple and fun, any beginner can master it—even first thing in the morning!
How are you celebrating International Yoga Day? Our expert Deborah explains how yoga can boost our health and happiness and lead to beautiful things like self-acceptance. Read on for a moving story that’s certain to inspire you.
It’s a gorgeous day—what better way to spend it than by going for a run? But before you do, check out this exclusive yoga video featuring our expert Laura and learn this pre-running sequence to start your run off right. Specially designed to warm up your muscles and unwind your mind, this yoga routine is guaranteed to become part of your running ritual.
Did you know that summer's only four weeks away? Before you start stressing about swimsuit season, let our fitness expert teach you some more exercises to help you strut your stuff on the beach with confidence. Look good and feel even better with these tips.
Are you stretching and cooling down properly after your workout? This exclusive yoga routine designed by our expert Laura ensures that your muscles get all the aftercare they need after an intense run. Watch and learn yet another way yoga can make you fitter and healthier.
Sunday mornings are for relaxing, and this yoga flow practice is the ideal way to unwind body and mind. Watch expert Laura take you through a sequence designed especially for lazy, gentle Sundays, and in her words, “start the week off with an open heart.”
Want to have the most productive day possible? Then put down that morning espresso and pick up your yoga mat! This Yin Flow sequence taught by our expert Laura is just what you need to start the day off with a clear mind, making it so much easier to set your daily goals.
Daily ceremonies enrich your life, but this moon yoga ritual is done just once a month: with the arrival of the full moon. Symbolising the completion of one cycle and the beginning of another, a full moon encourages us to seek more balance. Watch this exclusive video with expert Erica to learn how moon yoga can help you start anew every month.
Have you ever heard the words, “you look tense?” Then we have the perfect yoga ceremony for you. Watch our exclusive video with expert Erica to learn a facial yoga routine that will have you looking brighter, clearer and more approachable to the people around you.
Have you heard of facial tapping? If not, this exclusive how-to video is a perfect introduction. This massage technique can not only improve the elasticity of your skin, but also helps to relax body, mind and soul. Watch and learn how, Rituals-style.
New to the world of yoga? Then starting a simple practice in the comfort of your own home might be just what you need. In this video, our expert Erica demonstrates a very basic exercise she calls “hands to heart,” an easy way to set more loving intentions while you ease yourself into yoga.
Does your after-work relaxation routine need a bit of an update? Put down the chocolate and stop that social media binge: we have a better way. Discover Yin yoga, a healthy way to destress after a busy work day as taught by our expert Laura.
Having trouble motivating yourself to get out of bed in the morning? We have the solution: and yes, you guessed it—it’s yoga! Let our expert Laura guide you through a morning Hatha yoga routine that will wake you up and energise you for the entire day.
We’re always looking for ways to help you slow down, and this yoga exercise is another great one. Expert Erica takes you through a practice she calls, “a breathing practice for busy people.” Watch her exclusive video and inhale a sense of inner calm.
Are you looking for a workout that is both convenient and effective? You should try yoga—it not only unites body, mind and soul—it can be done in the ease and convenience of your own home! We’re happy to explain how and why starting a yoga practice at home is the ultimate wellness routine.
Have you found yourself indulging a bit too much lately? Now that the holidays are over, detoxing can reboot body and soul—and what better way to do that than with Yin yoga? In this exclusive video, our expert Laura takes you through a sequence dedicated to detoxifying your organs and clearing your mind.
Prepare your body and soul for a good night's rest together with our yoga expert Laura. After just 20 minutes you’ll feel more relaxed than ever, and you'll be ready to climb into bed. Sweet dreams.
There’s really only one thing you need to do to make 2018 a good year: slow down. As slowing down is a major part of yoga, this video is all about just one pose: The Lotus. Laura tells you everything about getting into this pose, helping you feel grounded, stable and aware.
Especially in the cold winter months, warming up before a workout is essential. Yoga is no different, and in the following video, our expert Laura teaches you a warm up sequence that opens your hips and stretches out your abdomen and chest. Get your Vinyasa flow on to deepen those backbends and get the most out of your yoga routine.
We can all benefit from slowing down the busy pace of our lives. Yin yoga is designed to do just that, thanks to its deliberate focus on breathing. Expert Erica helps you clear your mind and relax your body in this exclusive video introduction to Yin yoga.
During a cooling and refreshing sequence of poses, our yoga expert Laura explains which yoga positions are a necessity for the Pitta dosha type to feel content, calm and relaxed. A perfect way to end the day.
In this video our yoga expert, Laura, will explain which yoga poses are most important for the Vata dosha type. She will help you ease into the poses, resulting in an utterly relaxing experience.
Yoga can be an empowering tool to help keep your body and soul in perfect harmony. In this video our yoga expert, Laura, will enlighten you about the yoga poses tailored specific to each type of dosha. Join in and recharge.
The ancient practice of Ayurveda is all about the perfect balance between our energies, or doshas. To bring our body and mind into balance, you can even tailor your yoga routines and meditation techniques to suit your dosha. So make yourself comfortable and we'll tell you all about it!
Rituals Magazine is proud to add another expert to advise our readers on how to live more soulfully. Deborah Quibell, PhD, is a writer, healer and yoga expert with a lot to say about connecting to essential parts of ourselves. In the following interview, we get to know Deborah and a bit about the various wisdoms she will share with us.