Start the week right with these seven easy routines. One for every day of the week to help boost your wellbeing, overcome stress and find balance.
Feeling as though things are a little overwhelming these days? You’re not alone. There’s a lot to juggle throughout a typical week these days; from performing well at work or school, staying on top of your health, spending enough quality time with friends and family, eating well, and finding time to explore your own passions, let alone staying on top of all your digital admin. From social media to messages to dating apps to emails - who has the time and the tools to find balance amidst the fast-moving clutter of modern life?
Well, a few health and wellbeing experts do. So we’ve touched base with therapists and life coaches to build out an entire week of wellbeing tips. Seven quick and easy routines that you can rely on from Monday through Sunday, to help tackle everything from high-stress moments and crises of confidence, to building deeper connections with friends or even just starting the day on a positive note. Ready to dive in? This is wellbeing advice you’re going to want to bookmark.

As the weekend draws to a close, feelings of anxiety or irritability about the start of a new work or school week can cast a shadow over what should be a restful evening. But fear not, Catherine Embleton, a cognitive hypnotherapist, offers invaluable insights on quelling those Sunday Scaries and reclaiming tranquillity.
Step 1: Set time aside for some mindful reflection and to practise gratitude, as this can help to shift your focus from worry to a place of positivity.
Step 2: Cultivate inner peace by committing to a relaxing bedtime routine that incorporates deep breathing, meditation and gentle stretching. This bedtime yoga flow is an ideal place to start.
Top tip: Add The Ritual of Jing Sleep collection to your bedtime routine, to help promote that serene and tranquil feeling.
“Morning routines are a great way to start the day with a positive attitude that sets us up for the day,” explains life coach Claire Renée Thomas. Try this morning routine.
Step 1: Place an affirmation card next to your bed so that it’s the first thing you see when you wake up. Sit on the edge of the bed for a few moments and really notice how you are feeling. Notice your feet on the floor. Connect with your breath, with the feeling of the bed and sheets under your body.
Step 2: Set your alarm five minutes early and head straight to a quiet space in your home where you can be mindful. Follow a guided meditation and observe your breath. If you like writing, note how you feel in a journal. If you like reading, try a page from your favourite motivational book.
Step 3: Finally, if it’s daylight, step outside and look at the sky, the trees and listen to the birds. Breathe in the fresh air and say out loud something that you’re grateful for.
Top tip: Energise your body and mind with these delicious healthy breakfast ideas.
Feeling overwhelmed or caught in a stressful spin? To regain control and find your calm, Embleton suggests trying a quick grounding technique called the 5-4-3-2-1 method.
“It involves naming five things you can see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste,” she explains. “This technique engages your senses and redirects your attention to the present moment.”
Top tip: You can also try this 5-minute guided meditation designed to restore your peace.
Scheduling a midday check-in with yourself is a great way to keep an eye on how you’re feeling, prevent stress from spiralling, and reset from any tensions that may have happened during your day so far.
Step 1: Take a short walk around lunchtime to refocus your energy for the rest of the day, says Embleton. If you practise mindfulness during this time, you'll notice even greater results.
Step 2: Prepare, purchase or eat your lunch mindfully, adds Thomas. Work your way through each of your senses as you slowly eat your food and enjoy the nourishment.
Top tip: If you’re working or studying at home, Thomas recommends a 20-minute power nap. “Before you resume your day, go through your afternoon schedule and reassess what is coming up,” she adds. “Is there anything you can let go of, or anything that can be reprioritised?”
Science has long supported the fact that strong friendships are key to our happiness, and can even improve our health. So ensuring that we nurture our relationships and maintain those connections is incredibly important.
Step 1: Take the lead in arranging regular check-ins or shared activities, suggests Embleton. Schedule virtual or in-person meetups to rekindle old friendships. By planning group outings, you can also foster a sense of community that will hopefully lift everyone's moods.
Step 2: Show up as your authentic self, says Thomas. “To do this we have to fully accept ourselves as we are, rather than trying to be someone that we are not,” she explains. “When we show up in this way, the energy we bring to the interaction is one of love, compassion and kindness.”
Step 3: Give your friends your undivided attention if they share a problem with you. “Listen to them with all your senses. Don’t interrupt. Don’t judge. Lean into your empathy for their situation,” says Thomas. “It’s incredible how powerful really listening to a friend can be, and it’s these interactions that form life-long quality friendships.”
Top tip: Master the art of active listening with this expert guide to being a better listener.
We all have days where we feel down. Whether it’s big emotions weighing on your mind or just something you can’t quite put a finger on, it’s important to give your feelings space and acknowledgement. As for an action plan? Cathy Lawson, mental health and wellbeing coach at Westfield Health, suggests the below.
Step 1: Start your day with mindful and healthy habits. Physical activity will release endorphins, which are known to improve your mood. Opt for a realistic routine such as taking a short walk or doing simple stretching exercises. If you’re uncomfortable vocalising your feelings, try journaling to gain clarity and acknowledge how you are feeling.
Step 2: It’s completely understandable if you can’t give 100% on days you feel low. However, it can be helpful to do some work and give some structure to your day. Break large tasks into smaller, more manageable steps to prevent feeling overwhelmed.
Step 3: Make time for activities that bring pleasure. It can be as simple as making your favourite cup of tea or taking your dog for a walk. You may find it helpful to prioritise these activities, so you have a sense of control over your day.
Step 4: Try not to bottle things up and reach out to people you trust, to share how you’re feeling and ask for help if you need it. Connecting with others can help you put things in perspective.
Making time to recognise your worth and capabilities can help to counter the negative self-talk and low self-esteem which feeds imposter syndrome, notes Embleton. Visualising your past successes and repeating positive affirmations are both effective ways to do this. If you find yourself spiralling into a confidence crisis, however, Thomas suggests trying the POWER technique.
Step 1: PAUSE: Take one deep breath. This can shift us from overwhelm to a position of choice. Spend a few moments reconnecting with your breath.
Step 2: OBSERVE: Once you’ve slowed down observe your thoughts, feelings and emotions. Jot them down if you can. Allow them all to be present. If this feels overwhelming return to your breath.
Step 3: WONDER: When you feel centred, start to wonder about the different ways you could respond to this situation. You will start to notice alternatives to your initial reaction.
Step 4: ENGAGE: Once you have decided on a course of action, engage with the other person or the situation. Tell them how you feel and what you would like to do about it. Then wait for their response.
Step 5: REFLECT: Finally, reflect on the experience. What have you learnt from it? Acknowledge yourself for handling this moment from a place of compassion and kindness, rather than from the stress response of fight or flight.
Want more wellbeing tips? Discover our Rituals philosophy: The Art of Soulful Living.
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