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DomovMother's Day
Show Her Some Love

Lep Materinski Dan!

Make this moment unforgettable and show your love and gratitude in a way that she’ll treasure forever – because she deserves nothing but the best.

Dragocena Darila

Najljubši darilni seti

Razkošni seti

Odkrijte celotno linijo razkošnih darilnih setov in proslavite materinski dan v slogu.

shop the tiny mom & baby set

Dar. set Tiny Rituals

Naš novi darilni set je nežna in varna pozornost za novopečene starše in njihova mala čudesa.

same as above, just different image

The Soulful Collection

Like a perfume collection for the home, these exquisite fragrances make the perfect Mother’s Day gift.


Proslavitev vseh mam

From a mother’s first kick to her child’s first steps, the mother-child bond is powerful and lasting. But motherly love can come from anywhere—a caring neighbour, a trusted babysitter, or a mentor. This Mother’s Day, we celebrate all forms of motherly love, honouring the strength, sacrifice, and care these incredible women share. Because there’s nothing quite like the love they give.

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